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What Obnoxiousness Is

October 20, 2021

Obnoxious persons such as Trump don't know what obnoxiousness is. That's why their standard never improves. They assume they are the true representatives of reality in being obnoxious.

They get that way by accident. It starts by making wrong guesses. They miss objective reality by a long ways in simple matters, which results in admonishment. The admonishment makes them obnoxious.

In other words, obnoxiousness is their reaction to being admonished. As corrupters always do, they try to reverse the flow and pretend that their opponents need to be admonished. To have brainless corrupters trying to claim normal critics are more wrong than themselves is the essence of obnoxiousness.

That's what conservatives project as an image—the obnoxiousness of trying to portray their critics as more corrupt than themselves. That's entirely what they mean by "own the libs" and degradation of all liberal purposes.

One of the obvious characteristics of obnoxiousness is the clash with obvious reality. When conservatives take on a task, the incredibility is glaring. An example is claiming that liberals create a "cancel culture." Cancelling is the only mode of operation of conservatives. "Your fired" was the only method of running a government that Trump knew. That's cancel culture.

So to be obnoxious, conservatives have to pretend that liberals produce a cancel culture. Trying to create social programs to assist the needy is supposedly cancelling out conservatives.

To corrupters, all forms of reality cancel them out, because they are in conflict with objective reality. So simply relating to reality through rationality seems like cancel culture to conservative. They get cancelled out where rationality exists. So they actually believe that liberals create a cancel culture.

The most common and broadest example of obnoxiousness by conservatives is the pretense that anything the government does, particularly creating assistance to the needy, is waste and spend. Government and assistance to the needy gets more desperately important day by day, as the social order deteriorates and gets replaced by fascism.

The lower half of society has been literally shoved out of the economy to such an extent that they cannot accept the employment offers that exist. It costs them more for living expenses than they get paid. They cannot pay rent while working, because housing costs kept increasing for decades, while the value of employment kept decreasing. Trying to correct that problem is said to be waste and spend by conservatives.

Attacking the needy is the most definitive characteristic of conservatives. It's obnoxious, because it is none of their business whether the needy gets assistance. Yet conservatives pretend to be improving the moral character of the needy by making sure they don't get assistance. Assistance is said to be dependency, which must be obliterated. That's no different than saying conservatives getting elected is over-indulgence and must be exterminated.

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