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Moral Philosophy  273

The Virtues Of Fraud


July 2, 2022

There are some consistent characteristics of corruption; one of them is the promotion of the virtues of fraud. That means nothing must stand in the way of exploiting fraud.

The only alternative to fraud is truth. Otherwise, fraud being replaced with other fraud is just fine. It is truth that corrupters must oppose, because truth is the only force corrupters cannot defy.

There is no sin but the truth about sin to corrupters. Why? Because truth exposes corruption and the standards of corrupters. There has to be some other version of reality, because corrupters are convinced that their corruption is not corruption.

There are endless rationalizations for truth being the problem and fraud being the answer. Add up all the reasons and the accumulation of rationalizations creates the virtues of fraud.

Examples are futurism, such is 100% carbon free transportation, travel to Mars to escape pollution, or self-driving to end accidents. Another example is loving the kids and pets more than anyone else. Wars are tough love in getting rid opposition. Peace is something to fight for. Democracy and freedom are something to be imposed by conquerors. Only truth gets in the way of progress.

Fraud is part of a larger equation of wishing solutions to problems into existence through pretense and fantasy.

Fraud is assumed to be the answer to the problems; truth is assumed to be the cause. But not truth as a philosophy, which is beyond corrupters. Their truth is better than someone else's truth. It is truth as a strange force that corrupters must oppose.

The most basic problem corrupters have is the difficulty of dominating other persons. What happens when other corrupters are trying to dominate them? No reality evaluation can enter the awareness of corrupters, because inflows require an external viewpoint which does not exist for corrupters. Inflows are opposed, not evaluated.

Each corrupter is trying to dominate every other corrupter with no clue as to the self-defeating forces involved. Not the least reason is because there are big yields to be gained from corruption, as long as someone is solving the problems, which is exploitation.

Then there is the alignment of like-minded persons upon common purposes in exploiting sources of power by degrading, dominating and exploiting the results of constructive persons. The degree of success is the degree of fascism replacing ordered existence.

Only one thing can stand in the way of the process: the power of truth. So there is only one evil to corrupters: the power of truth (as the actual force, not as the philosophy).

Rationalizing the evil of truth and virtues of corruption is what sets corrupters apart from rational existence. Credibility and logic are buried in fraud when trying to rationalize corruption.

If truth is the problem, what does it do? It ends corruption and exposes corrupters for the corrupters that they are. Try to get a credible logic in reversing that fact.

Corrupters see no reason to end corruption; and therefore truth is the only problem they have. If truth is the only problem, corruption is a virtue.

Fraud is fluid, like an ocean to swim in. Truth is predetermined, like a crystalline solid. Corrupters feel a need to swim in their realities rather than being controlled by them.

It isn't that corrupters are free from all problems; it's that they can live with the problems created by corruption but not with the results truth produces. The problems created by corruption are assumed to be caused by enemies; and therefore the spotless perfection of corruption (democracy and freedom, carbon free transportation) is achievable by getting rid of enemies. Getting rid of enemies gets rid of the problems caused by truth.

But truth is not truth to corrupters; it is an unjustifiable force. Everyone supposedly has their own truth, which reduces the word truth to nonsense. It is the result of truth as the force which defeats corruption that must be opposed, not the meaningless word truth which can be twisted in any direction corrupters want.

That means it is the products of truth that are opposed, not the philosophy of truth. The products of truth are the results of rationality, which means explanations aligned upon objective reality particularly in criticizing. To criticize is to oppose the virtues of corruption—the only obstacle to solving all problems through corruption.

That's why the major frauds continually increase, as fascism transforms into the Nazism which can never be stopped without self-destruction of the corrupters. Nazism (the end-point of fascism) cannot be stopped, because it only becomes recognizable when corruption has overtaken the social structures.

Is there a science or logic to greenhouse gases, renewable energy, electric vehicles or self-driving? The science and logic have been eliminated from the sources of information for society, as corrupters march to their Pretoria of fraud being the answer to their problems.

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