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The Ulterior Motive

December 9, 2020

The motive is singular. Corruption acquires a singular motive. It aggregates all corrupters behind the purpose. The purpose is to generate power.

No reality coming from corrupters is credible. It seems superficially that they can't understand what reality is. But they don't try to. Reality to corrupters is nothing but a tool for their motive; and it has to be corrupt reality or it doesn't serve the purpose.

This is why arguing with corrupters is such a losing battle. Reality is nothing to them. It twists and turns in any direction for the purpose of destroying rationality, because the motive is elsewhere.

Generating power requires corruption. So everything corrupters do creates corruption to further the ulterior motive of generating power.

How constructivity relates to power is irrelevant, because the purpose is elsewhere. The purpose of constructivity is to solve problems.

But when generating power is the purpose, nothing but corruption prevails. Anything constructive diminishes the power of corrupters by linking to the universe instead of the persons. The universe gets the power instead of the corrupters whenever something constructive is occurring.

That's because universal realities are used for constructivity. Only self-serving realities generate power for corrupters. When realities are linked to the vast accumulation of realities which are linked together in the universe, they remove power from corrupters by putting the universe in power. Corrupters are powerless when the universe is in power.

Putting the universe in power is what truth does. All forms of corruption disconnect from the universal realities, so corrupters become the source. Only corruption puts corrupters at the source of realities. Realities have to be misrepresented, destructive lies to put corrupters in power. Otherwise the universe strips them of their power by defining the realities.

That's why Trump lies and lies and lies. He's trying to prevent the universal realities from dissipating his power while generating his own power in contradiction to the forces and universal realities which oppose him. If it isn't him lying, it's not his power being produced.

Fake science and technology are not credible for that reason. They do not have a literal purpose. Their purpose has the ulterior motive of generating power for corrupters.

Green is fake environmentalism being used to generate power for corrupters. Economies, environments and the lower classes get destroyed producing green, because power is only generated through destructivity. If it isn't destroying realities and creating problems, it isn't power for corrupters.

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