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The Virtues Of Perversion

July 4, 2021

Trump showed the nature of corruption more visibly than usual, because he was too ignorant to understand how to conceal corruption. He was more obnoxious than usual. One of his corruptions was trying to show the virtues of perversion.

To corrupters perversion is virtue, because it is the answer to everything for incompetent corrupters mongering power. The reason why is because reality which is stripped of all meaning has to be arbitrated. Arbitrating existence is the goal of corrupters.

That process works best where there is obscurity, because a degree of visibility or accountability could reflect negatively upon the reduction of reality to meaningless perversion. In obscure areas, particularly physics, there is no opposing force—not that there weren't physicists who could see through the fraud but that they were easily shoved aside or out of the process in the absence of openness and accountability.

That process exists wherever there is darkness. It takes openness and accountability to add rationality to a subject. Otherwise, corrupters do as they please with no ability of rational persons to do anything about it.

In the bureaucracies, where darkness usually prevails, anyone who tries to correct the frauds becomes a whistleblower. Congress has written laws endlessly trying to protect whistleblowers to no avail, because the darkness could not be legislated away, so the fraud could not be legislated away.

It is naive to assume corrupters are trying to make arguments, because their purpose is to obstruct the process of argument by reducing the realities to perversion. Corrupters despise the concept of realities being relevant. They are trying to create a different standard of existence, where realities are so fluid that they can be arbitrated by incompetent corrupters in dominating everyone else.

Fluid reality means nonreality. Mockeries are used to rationalize mockeries. The process is an attempt to disconnect from the rationality and objective reality which exposes corrupters for what they are.

Corrupters assume that disconnecting from reality and obliterating the attempts by others to produce rationality is a higher standard rather than a corrupter's criminality. Corrupters believe in their corrupt state of existence. It works for them, which translates into the only possible way of doing things.

Corrupters are extremely self-righteous in attacking rationality because of their assumption that there is no other realistic way of doing things than the methods of corruption that they use. They assume they found the answer to everything in perversion and rational persons are ignorant fools for trying to produce rationality.

The constant war of corrupters against enemies is fought over the assumption that corrupters have the answer to everything in reducing reality to perversion and the only problem anyone has is ignorant fools trying to force rationality onto them.

It tends to be bewildering to rational persons why life is a war for corrupters. The above reasons are why. There is no apparent reason to turn life into a war the way corrupters do. The reason is in the attempts by corrupters to obliterate rationality and objective reality. Since life does not exist without rationality and objective reality, corrupters are fighting a war against the existence of life. It preoccupies them.

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