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The Nature Of Terrorism

A terrorist is purposefully destroying realities
through words and deeds.


September 4, 2020

Terrorism is a break-point that extreme corrupters reach, where they decide that they have no chance of being credible in achieving their purposes, so they resort to being incredible as an imposing force.

Terrorism shows that corruption is not a dispute over realities but a force in conflict with realities. Corrupters don't have noble purposes while disagreeing on how to achieve them. They are driven by forces which corrupt realities. Corruption differs from disagreement, which is not a force but a dispute over realities.

Corruption that is not as extreme as terrorism is an attempt to change the meaning of realities. When corruption becomes so extreme as to be terrorism, there are no realities being promoted as realities; only force is relied upon.

As a result, when corrupters lose in the reality domain, they continue to promote corruption but abandon the reality domain. Their abandonment of reality shows that they never did have a constructive relationship to reality and always were driven by forces in conflict with reality. It also means that their arguments never did have a purpose in promoting and correcting realities, as much as corrupters insist otherwise.

In other words, when corrupters get half way to terrorism, they are driven by forces (motives) which cause them to change the meaning of realities as a method of getting what they want. When they entirely give up on realities serving that purpose, they resort to force only, which is terrorism. At that point, they don't expect their realities to be credible but to be imposing.

Terror and terrorism are not the same. Isms are ideologies. Any act of violence could be viewed as terror but wouldn't be an ideology. Ideologies have extended purposes. Each element is a part of a larger purpose, where a method is developed for getting to an intended result.

Terrorists make a conscious decision to defy reality and impose force. Their words don't make sense, because they decided that reality benefits others but not themselves. So they attack reality by corrupting reality while imposing force upon society.

Reality and force conflict with each other. The only possible evaluation of what a force is is in terms of what it does. A force conflicts with realities. To a large extent, force consists of corrupt realities that conflict with objective, unified realities. Even material forces are that way. To pound a nail into wood is to denature the wood around the nail. But is the force which accelerates a mass a disrupting influence? The basic definition of force could be applied to accelerating force in terms of change in position disrupting the position of something. Is technology then philosophically a disruption of natural order? Such philosophy is acceptable. It would be the same philosophy as saying a tree must be destroyed to use wood.

The point is that no one can expect to get to extended results through force (as an ideology rather than purposeless lashing out) without deciding to create conflicts with realities. In deciding to oppose realities, the words of terrorists do not have the same degree of respectability or credibility as other disagreements. A terrorist isn't disagreeing on realities; a terrorist is purposefully destroying realities through words and deeds.

All corruption involves the same forces and reactions, and it continuously deteriorates. Which means corruption always leads to terrorism as the end result. The differences are in degrees or distance along the path to terrorism.

The reason why corruption is always the same in terms of forces and path is because it starts as a defiance of objective reality as universal reality and laws of the universe. So the differences are degrees of defiance and amount of force that is used. The reactions are an attempt to overcome counter-forces, while truth is the primary counter-force that defeats corrupters. Truth imposes the universe which corrupters are trying to defy upon them.

Corrupters assume they can defeat truth by getting rid of enemies. They never succeed, because truth increases through all interactions of realities.

In other words, corrupters assume their problems have external origins which can be eliminated. But attempting to defy the universe is a problem which has internal (subjective) origins.

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

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