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Terrorism Equals Disconnect From Reality

August 21, 2021

Reality creates ordered existence. Absence of reality creates disordered existence. Terrorism is disordered existence.

There is a process that leads to terrorism. It's the process of disconnecting from reality. Disconnecting from reality is like unplugging a bunch of wires from a computer such as HAL.

The only highly developed and visible example of modern times was Nazism. Other examples of terrorism such as ISIS were too limited and invisible to show how the process works.

There are two important elements to be evaluated. How did the Nazis get disconnected from reality and what alternatives did the result create?

Nazism began with incompetent persons who had no knowledge or experience which would tell them what the social order consisted of. Hitler's book showed that he was so hung up on his own psychological problems that he had no familiarity with the workings of the social order.

Hitler's speeches were an extension of the same psychology. He imagined a state of affairs that would pander to his psychological problems with no concern about the requirements for a functional society.

A complex social order did not exist in Hitler's view of how to solve his personal and psychological problems. So he tried to rearrange the social order to solve his problems, which left nothing but genocide as a methodology.

Social structures evolved over thousands of years. Each solution to a problem required abstract complexities. But analysis was never the method of getting there. All of the alternatives were tried and failed, which left the most suitable alternatives as the prevailing results. Improvements are made through extremely small steps with trial and error.

That process of evolving social complexities cannot be produced through evaluation. All the more so would it be impossible for incompetent corrupters to create a functional alternative.

There has to be a value for the starting point to make social improvements, because only the smallest steps can produce improvements. Take away the starting points, and nothing but terrorist annihilation can remain.

There were major social improvements in the programs of FDR and LBJ, but they weren't rearrangements requiring analysis; they were providing resources to encumbered persons for solving their problems.

When corrupters are dismantling social structures, they do no analysis; they discontinue funding and hiring, and someone else has to figure out how to resolve the conflicts.

Corrupters hate social structures, because they can't handle complexities and don't want demands placed upon them. They want to arbitrate on a whim. When they succeed in dismantling social structure, they have nothing left but terrorism.

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