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Turning The Universe Around

August 8, 2021

Turning the universe around sounds crazy, but it is the underlying preoccupation of corrupters. Of course they don't know what they are doing, but since that is what they are doing, some evaluation is needed.

Perhaps the best example is the claim by conservatives when they took over the world in 1981 that their purpose was to create "a new normal." Normalcy is not a political position; it's a standard of existence. Conservatives didn't just choose the wrong word; they intended to change the standard of existence.

That's trying to turn the universe around. The universe defines the standard of existence for humans.

The way corrupters get that way is by convincing themselves that corruption is the answer to everything. They assume everything related to corruption is arbitrary and their guess at it is better than that of their opponents.

In other word, corrupters have no concept of what objective means. There is nothing in their existence that tells them something is objective as determined apart from subjective, human determination. Even though they don't assume they can change gravity and related things, they don't relate such things to social relevance.

Rationality is based on objective reality. People need to align upon laws of the universe to solve problems and survive. That's where conservatives disagree. They assume they can disconnect their social existence from laws of the universe. In fact, they assume only fools would try to align upon laws of the universe or anything else. They also assume it is crazy to align upon humanly created laws. To align upon anything but their own selfish whims is assumed to be foolishness to corrupters.

Trying to disconnect social existence from the laws of the universe is trying to turn the universe around. Doesn't that sound too trite? Here is why it happens:

Truth is the only force corrupters cannot defeat. It can't be defeated, because it is aligned upon the universe. Truth is the communicated representation of unified reality. The universe is the source of unified reality. Not knowing any of that, corrupters assume they can defy what they enemies call truth. When they fail to defy truth, they must defy the universe in trying to do so.

Corrupters fight a war against rationality, because rationality produces the truth that defeats them. Fighting a war against rationality is trying to turn the universe around.

Not knowing that the universe defines what rationality is and the result cannot be changed or defied is beyond the mindlessness of corrupters. They assume their enemies are doing something arbitrary in producing rationality, so the arbitrariness can be changed to fit the motives of corrupters. Their key bit of stupidity is in assuming rationality is arbitrary.

The reason why corrupters are that way is because they don't have enough objective reality in their heads to know what objective reality is or what it does. Knowledge is abstract. That means it is not perceivable; it is a representation created in minds. Corrupters not only failed to produce abstract knowledge as a representation of objective reality, they always lose when rationality is applied to correct their corruptions. So they acquire a hate for rationality. In hating rationality, they oppose the influence of the laws of the universe upon social existence.

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