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Tangential Reality


February 14, 2021

Corrupters need to be evasive, so they use substitutes for reality. They make some connection to their concerns while allowing misrepresentations. Such realities are off to the side of the real concerns, which makes them tangential.

Conservatives are that way to an extreme, because their corruptness needs to be portrayed as something of value. Of course, outright lying is sometimes their solution to their problem; but sometimes the lies are too obvious and must be more limited.

The most common method of conservatives misrepresenting reality is to attack and destroy everything around the purpose, particularly the reality of opponents, which leaves the purpose in place by default. That method is used for political purposes which involve a lot of promoting.

An analogy for the default method would be trying to sell a moldy stick. Any five objects are placed near the moldy stick while pointing out why the other five are so bad that they are impossibilities. That leaves the moldy stick as the only possibility by default.

That's how conservatives campaign. They degrade opponents (liberals) and their agendas as the ruination of man. A gold brick could be the ruination of man to rationalizers. That leaves nothing valid but the conservative agenda, which is never described, because conservatives don't have a describable agenda. The agenda of conservatives is to promote values, while their values are aligned upon destroying the lower classes.

Tangential reality is misrepresentation where there is a lot of complexity. If lies are too simple and more explaining is needed, a reconstruction of reality is used as the replacement for objective reality.

When corrupters reconstruct reality, they strip the subject of its real meaning and add lies aligned upon motives. The motives are basically to build up themselves and degrade opponents. Objective reality could do that, but corrupters can't live with objective reality, because it exposes them as corrupters. So they reconstruct a fake version of reality to falsify the meaning of their corruptness and opponents correctness.

Tangential reality has the purpose of exploiting existing reality by changing its meaning. Rationality is stripped from a subject because it leads to truth. Nonsense replaces rationality. Irrationality removes realities from the hands of rational persons and allows incompetent corrupters to control the subject. Without rationality, the subject becomes fluid and arbitrary, as there is no wrong way to screw things up.

Fake science and technology are tangential realities. Power mongers exploit such complex realities by modifying them. The modifications put those realities in the hands of persons who want to exploit corruption (power mongers) including know-nothings who wash the hands of higher-ups while promoting absurdities and can't be expected to know what they are talking about.

To exploit tangential reality for corruption, there needs to be an objectionability which prevents rational persons from getting involved in the process. After extracting opponents from the process, any old version of fraud will do, since the shape of reality is nothing to corrupters and power is their only concern.

In other words, rational persons create life out of objective realities. They do not become a part of the corruption of objective realities. Therefore, corrupting objective realities is a method of removing the subject matter from the influences of rational persons.

This is why relativity exists. It has no relationship to anything in physics or laws of nature. That property removes it from the influence of rational persons, which makes it a tool for corrupters in mongering power. Relativity has no meaning or scientific purpose; it's purpose is to move a large chunk of physics out of the realm of influence of rational persons and into the real of mongering power through corruption.

Global warming and renewable energy are promoted for the same purpose. The contempt for science and engineering moves those subjects from the influence of rational persons and into the realm of corrupters mongering power. The process puts corrupters in control of our lives.

Any number of scientists and engineers attempted to correct the corruptions in global warming and renewable energy. They were easily defeated by removing the subject matter from rationality through fraud. Journalists did that. know-nothings in journalism removed real scientists from the subject by promoting fraud and not allowing criticism of it.

Trump does that to a degree that is so obnoxious that it gets him impeached. He tries to construct a version of reality which puts him in control of government and the world by removing rationality from the subject. That's an extremely obnoxious thing to do. Yet conservatives say it is nothing but a "life-style" difference, because it is what they try to do without being so obnoxious.

The reason why Reagan said government is the problem is because government is so complex that it requires a degree of rationality that incompetents cannot produce. For incompetent corrupters to hijack government, they need to strip it of its complexities. Deregulation has the purpose of stripping government of its complexities. There is no such thing as government without regulations; and there are no government regulations which are simple enough for incompetent corrupters to control. So they throw out regulations for the sake of throwing out regulations with no concern for the purposes.

Conservatives try to construct tangential realities for government through a line of absurdities. They pretend to be promoting free enterprise by removing government from business including an absence of taxes for corporations. They pretend that freedom is the purpose, as if going through stop signs were freedom. They cannot produce significant explanations, because absurdities run into conflict with all surrounding realities.

Tangential realities are imposed. They convince no one. The imposing force is highly visible with all tangential realities. Journalists got extremely dogmatic about removing all criticism of global warming from public exposure. They determine what the public gets for reality, so they could overrule real scientists with no scientific knowledge required. Now that the public has no concept of there being anything wrong with the science, the imposing dogmatism shifts from the science to the technology. The technology is becoming such an unworkable and expensive clutter that a lot of dogmatism is required to keep the fraud going.

Such fakery is what the anti-communism harping was about by conservatives, until communism became irrelevant to U.S. politics. Conservatives tried to pin the label communism onto liberals while portraying communism as a totalitarian dictatorship. Was assisting to the needy an attempt to create a totalitarian dictatorship? Such fabricated absurdities are tangential realities.


Physics is used as super-engineering, even while it is called science. That means physicists round off their concepts in applying them to a purpose. Engineers do that, since they must adapt every component of technology to the purpose.

An example in physics is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. It tells how much radiation is given off by matter at any temperature. But it is not exact enough to use as is. So an adaptation is used for each substance called emissivity. The emissivity is different for each substance. Doing that is an engineering process, while it is vastly different from science.

Science cannot exist as a process of rounding off a principle and adapting it differently for each application, because science is supposed to be basic knowledge which means unchanging for all related subjects. The reason why it matters is because the supposed knowledge will not be correct when applying rough estimates. False concepts are rationalized by applying rough approximations to a purpose and misrepresenting them as scientific.

Relativity and greenhouse gases are examples of such falsehoods being rationalized as scientific, while they do not exist as objective realities. Those examples show that rationalizing is a method of creating false concepts in the use of physics which is not real science.

Real science is immune to falsification. Corrupters despise being limited to objective reality which cannot be adapted to their motives. They assume their motives are so valuable that they should be promoted through any means possible, while real science removes the fluidity that they need in doing so.

The conservative cause is promoted exactly the same way fake physics is promoted. Fluid realities are used to promote conservative values and purposes which are misrepresented as necessary and constructive, while the real purpose is to fight a war against enemies. Weaponized realities are used to fight wars against enemies, while lying is the primary method of weaponizing realities.


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