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The Bliss Of Ignorance

July 8, 2021

Corrupters don't evaluate alternatives and pick something out. They evaluate nothing. It takes a mechanism in the mind to evaluate and corrupters do not develop that process in their minds. The absence of the evaluation mechanism in their minds could be a definition of corruption, except that disconnect from reality is a more visible element of the same thing creating a clearer definition.

That's what the bliss of ignorance is: no mechanism for evaluating. But it includes an absence of related realities entering awareness. An analogy would be taking a picture of a house and removing everything but one window. Is it then a picture of a house? It isn't. The window could be sitting in a hardware store to be sold. The house is not there.

But even the window is not clearly evident in the awareness of corrupters. Their reality is largely transported from one place to another. Words are usually used for that. Picking words for a purpose is the promotion of motives. The words are picked and tailored to promote. That means negative connotations are picked for all that is rejected including enemies, while positive connotations are picked for all that is useful including collaborators in the conspiracies.

Picking words is the standard operating procedure that corrupters use for routines that are highly repeated. When new realities are encountered, biases shaped by reactions cause assumptions to be made in conflict with objective reality. Reactions are highly erratic in the absence of unified realities that create meaning. Developed motives will often determine how the reactions occur.

For example, when corrupters are evaluating minorities or vulnerable persons, who they reject in their attempts to disconnect from losers, they make assumptions with no relationship to evidence or objective realities. To a racist, a black person will be assumed to be up to no good.

The resulting realities are reductionistic and simplistic. Not much complexity is needed for corrupters to align upon. Even though a lot of complexity is demanded by objective realities in a complex and technological social order, those demands disappear when disconnected from objective reality and using realities to promote motives.

The result is the bliss of ignorance. It's how so many persons can believe such extreme absurdities as Trump winning the election and democrats stealing the election in contempt for all evidence, procedures that were followed and even the impossibility of pulling off such a result. Related realities do not enter a process of evaluation, because corrupters do not evaluate. They teach themselves not to evaluate, because the result of evaluation exposes their incompetence and corruptness.

The Self-Centeredness Of Corruption

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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