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Stripping Away Reality

February 20, 2021

Everything humans normally do has a reality element to it. That means there is the purpose of gaining something through constructivity. Not with corrupters. What they have been showing in attempting to overthrow the government is the absence of a reality element to their purposes.

What corrupters do is prevail through force. With force prevailing nothing else matters. No explaining is involved. It's just them prevailing, like it or not.

There was nothing that changed about corrupters in following Trump. They were always there doing the same things at the same standard. What changed was opportunity. Trump created a new opportunity for corrupters to prevail.

But it wasn't Trump per se. It could have been any corrupter prevailing. The result occurred because corrupters were at a point where they had amassed that much power.

The power of corrupters stems from numbers, not realities. The process of prevailing was a process of solidifying their power through numbers. The endless irrational propaganda that conservatives produced over recent decades had that purpose.

It seemed like conservatives were irrelevant in producing nonsense as propaganda. What wasn't visible to the rational world was that conservatives were constantly adding to their power through numbers. They were drawing in gullible fools who saw it as a method of winning that did not require the demanding process of doing things through reality.

Reality creates demands; the power to corrupt does not. For this reason, corruption is an escape from the demands that realities create.

People have learned over time that to solve their problems they must improve the realities. Corrupters say otherwise. They say, all anyone needs is force and violence to solve their problems. Couldn't anyone see through that fraud?

It took some doing to convince weak minded persons that corruption would solve their problems. It was the increasing power that was convincing. Why would corrupters be acquiring all that power if they didn't know what they were doing?

This concept is one of the underlying pillars of corruption. Why would we have all that power if we didn't know what we were doing? The proof is in the pudding. What doesn't get said is that the power corrupters acquire has nothing to do with their capabilities; it results from their ability to overwhelm. The more developed and vulnerable sources of exploitation are, the easier it is for corrupters to overtake that potential and use it for their power.

So the go-alongs were viewing the stealing of power from exploitable sources as if it were the source of power—the basic fraud of corruption. Over time, enough persons were convinced to create a major force of corruption in society.

The March To Fascism

Why Truth Matters

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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