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Strict Constructionism


June 24, 2022

Strict constructionism is how Nixon described his Constitutional position. Conservatives use endless, similar slogans to indicate they plan to use an interpretation of the Constitution to justify their neoNazism.

So neoNazism appears to be where the subject needs to start. Neo means pointing towards. Nazism means the most complete end point corruption can produce under human conditions. In relating to the U.S. Constitution, conservatives point toward their end goal of achieving the most complete form of corruption they can achieve.

No one has the authority to produce the complete corruption of human existence; so the Constitution is used as the basis for justifying the result. That means stacking the courts to achieve the result. Conservatives have been on a highly focussed mission to homogenize the courts with the conservative agenda, since they acquired control over the world in 1981 in re-aligning purposes upon a new normal which reversed the influence of the laws of the universe in determining what normal is.

The U.S. Constitution was necessarily and deliberately extremely limited and abbreviated. No one has such disciplines now days in adding endless rationalizations and justifications to purposes. Along with the brevity, the Fathers went to endless lengths to provide options, so as not to force the future into an unrealistic path. Those options proved to be an endless out for Trump's criminality. There was always a way out of any accountability for his criminality.

When the second amendment says the purpose is to maintain a "well regulated militia," the intent was to leave a wide range of options for everything beyond a militia. The entirety of the Second Amendment states:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

It could not have been an accident that the Second Amendment was meticulously tailored to be limited to a militia.

The purpose is clearly stated as relating to the necessity of a militia. Militias are no longer relevant. So the Second Amendment is no longer relevant. The Fathers were limiting the amendment to a set of conditions which would not be wide spread or permanent.

The authors needed to get support for ratification without railroading future decisions. The terminology was strenuously limiting conditions to a militia, which could not be accidental. Leaving out everything else meant the future was not to be defined in advance for everything not mentioned.

Yet conservatives pretend that everything related to their agenda with guns was locked in place in 1791 leaving no place for Congress or Presidents to defy the conservative agenda with guns.

So the conservative Supreme Court stated a few days ago that the states cannot prevent people from carrying around concealed weapons. Nothing in the Second Amendment says anything about people carrying around concealed weapons. Militias do not use concealed weapons. And then the jurists add complexities to arbitrate the subject, as if laws were to be arbitrated by the whims of the nine member Supreme Court but not the other 331 million persons in the country or their governments—the brainless logic of conservatives.

Before conservatives replaced liberals in the political sphere (transitioning during the Reagan years) the endless harping by conservatives was that the courts which they did not rule were "legislating from the bench." Now that they control the bench, they replace federal, state and local governments by legislating from the bench.

None of the conservative agenda with guns has anything to do with militias. Militias now days cannot compete with or relate to military force or function constructively in society. Nothing about the conservative agenda indicates gun laws should be applied to militias or explains such a consequence.

The logic of the purpose of the Supreme Court is to maintain a rule of law that is consistent with legislative law and Constitutional purposes and make sure legislatures are not defying the purposes of the Constitution. Whimsical arbitrating is not aligned upon such foundations.

But there is a more basic problem with the conservative agenda. The most basic, underlying problem with the conservative agenda is the assumption that a group of persons must define human existence for everyone else. There is no evaluation or explanation for that assumption. It simply flows from the mindlessness of the imposition of corrupters upon other persons.

Corrupters are driven to prevail. Corruption is a conflict with the universe. But corrupters do not understand the cause of their problems and assume they can re-arrange the human state of existence to make their problems go away. It's a stupid assumption that puts corrupters in conflict with everyone else.

The more corrupters try to solve their problem by attacking and destroying other persons, the more problems they create for themselves. As their problems increase, the more criminality they produce in their determination to prevail.

The conservative cause is where corrupters go to promote their wares. The self-righteousness of the cause is a measure of the stupidity. Conservatives assume no one has a right to live but themselves and their like-minded collaborators.

The conflict of corrupters with the universe is a conflict with the entire reality medium. Corruption exists in a force medium. Force is defined as that which conflicts with reality.

How logical can conservatives be in conflict with the reality medium? Their logic in rationalizing their corrupt purposes is beyond absurd.

The only thing that makes corrupters relevant is that they do not allow anyone to live who does not promote their corruption. Corrupters are on an endless quest to exterminate all existence that gets in their way. The most complete result that they can achieve is a Nazi state. At that point, the destructiveness results in disintegration of the process of imposing the cause.

Corrupters live in a bubble of self-centeredness. Everything outside their bubble is a threat to them including objective realities, laws of the universe, truth, knowledge, rationality, social structures, government and properly created laws. They use government for their power only, which is not real government.

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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