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Assumptions About Power

January 19, 2022

The social order is bent out of shape by power assumptions. Criminals stack power to the sky by ripping everyone off. They get by with it, because incompetents have no other solution to their problems but power. No criticism of the process occurs, because power is the most sacred religion corrupters have.

The religion of power says power is the answer to problems. It's not an analysis; it's a set of reactions designed to cope with incompetence.

One element of corruption is the assumption that people are what they are in contact with. It's not a realistic assumption. It replaces constructivity. Constructive persons are what they are capable of. Without constructivity, environments sort of define corrupters, at least to the extent that the persons blend into their environments, while they try to extract from their environments.

Corrupters attach to power and disconnect from powerlessness in their attempts to gain something from their environments. The habit of doing that expands and solidifies to create a pseudo-philosophy based on doing that. A pseudo-philosophy is sort of a belief system without a significant evaluation process. There would probably be more evaluation, if there were some criticism exposing the elements and detriments of the process, but there are none. It's sacred ground to too many persons.

It's not the most significant reason why the most extreme corrupters fight a war against the lower classes, but it is the reason why lesser corrupters do not try to reverse the processes. It's quite obvious that resources are being sent upward and depriving a large part of the economy of resources. But no evaluation of that process occurs, because using resources to enhance power is assumed to be the answer to problems by too many persons.

Too many persons assume there is no other solution to problems than sending resources upward as a method of increasing power. If some persons lose from that process; it's tough love, because there is supposedly no other method of solving their problems than ripping them off to increase power.

Another method of increasing power is hiring more like-minded corrupters, not only to generate the power of numbers but to seek out someone who might be able to figure out how to solve some of the problems. Enemies cannot be relied upon for solving the problems of corrupters, so like-minded persons must be sought out, while like-minded persons for corrupters are incompetents incapable of solving problems.

Attempting to use power as the solution to problems is such a sacred subject to so many persons that there needs to be an description of the fallacies. To start with, a large part of what makes corrupters corrupters and incompetent is an inability to think straight. They flow with forces, and the forces flow with power. So why doesn't power solve everyone's problems?

One of the reasons is that power allows corrupters to create more problems. It takes power to defy—to defy other persons and objective realities. So the power increases problems rather than decreases them. In other words, just because power feels good to corrupters doesn't mean it is a method of solving problems, but corrupters are too stupid to figure that out.

Another reason for the erroneous assumptions is that power removes processes from the influence of rational persons and puts processes (decision making) in the hands of like-minded persons. Corrupters assume that like-minded persons, being on their side, will make decisions in their favor. They don't know the difference between "in their favor" and rational constructivity.

In fact a major element of corruption is a hate for rationality. Rationality exposes corrupters for the incompetents that they are and produces the dreaded truth that defeats them. Power is the tool that reverses what rationality does. It puts a different group of persons in control who are aligned upon the motives of corrupters. But of course, it increases their problems instead of decreases them.

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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