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The Scheming Of Fake Technology

July 25, 2021

Schemers have poor judgment. So they use schemes as a substitute for rationality. A scheme is an attempt to rearrange realities for a purpose.

Making electricity expensive tells schemers that they will have an advantage over persons who can't afford it. That part is as old as the hills. Schemers do that with everything—trying to make everything less available to others to gain an advantage.

Of course, that type of scheme requires the assumption that the schemer will have more resources available that under-privileged persons. There are always plenty of such schemers, which means constructive persons must always overcome such opposing forces.

Now days the schemes are multifaceted, since there are a lot of complex forms of technology to work with. What carbon dioxide does is integrate a large amount of fake technology, which allows much more complex schemes than usual. The degree of integrated complexity to the resulting technology provides a much greater opportunity than usual for like-minded schemers to conspire at their task.

In other words, a lot of persons see opportunities on top of opportunities in promoting fake technology as the solution to the fake carbon dioxide problem. First are the contractors doing the construction who get cost-plus contracts. That means they get paid whatever the process costs plus guaranteed profit. Then there are new energy companies which produce the new source of energy. They get priority over old forms of energy and, again, guarantees for results. Their energy goes through while other sources must stand down for them. Then there are the fake solutions such as sequestering the carbon dioxide, which is largely financed by taxpayers. Sequestering is such a rip off that the oil companies are trying to get a piece of the action.

Obviously, a lot of that is greed and exploitation. But what makes it work so slick? A combination of stupid gullibility and conspiring shapes the result due to the huge amount of resources being poured into the project.

What the operation is moving toward is more expensive and restricted energy availability—the endless quest of schemers. At this time, the result means an increase in the price of electricity where there is so-called renewable energy. Where renewables max out at 15% of total electricity (Germany and England), the cost of electricity increases about a factor of ten. Where renewables are about 5% of total electricity (California), the cost of electricity increases about a factor 4 or 5.

That's just the right amount for schemers, considering that scheming is a product of affluence, where expensive electricity is viewed as a selective advantage over underprivileged persons. Except that renewables are not supposed to stop at this point. So where do they lead to? Schemers wouldn't have a clue. They have no judgement.

Where so-called renewable energy is leading has largely been determined already but is not visible to persons with poor judgement. Other sources of energy are being locked out of the process, while renewables are already running aground due to the impractical nature of the scheme. The low hanging fruit is already used up. The coal plants are being shut down. Natural gas is being burned like there were no tomorrow.

The doors are largely closed already for getting out of the renewable energy mess. Realistic, safe nuclear energy would have been the only long term solution. It's not on the agenda, because the power mongers who took over the social structures are too incompetent to handle nuclear. They are still on the partying side of the curve with no concept of a down side to ripping everyone off.

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