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Subjective Government

May 13, 2021

General social interactions are supposed to be objective. Conservatives don't know it. They try to inject themselves, their values and their purposes into our lives and government.

Doing that robs people of the rights, freedom and democracy that the government is supposed to be producing. People are not deciding their own lives, let alone deciding government, when conservative officials are imposing subjectivity upon them.

These concept need to be clarified, since conservatives don't have a clue as to what they are doing. Objective means realities originate outside one's own mind. Subjective means realities originate inside one's own mind. The objective realities defined by the laws of the universe make up life.

Corrupters are incapable of being objective, because they withdraw into a subjective bubble instead of acquiring objective reality. That means they promote and attack personal and private realities instead of the objective realities which are the same for everyone.

Motives, values and private realities are subjective. When people act upon objective realities, is the result subjective or objective? It varies by results. If a universal result is produced, others can relate to it objectively. If the result is limited to the concerns of the persons, then it is a subjective result.

Promoting values is largely how conservatives define their purposes. They are obsessed with fixing other persons and controlling their lives. It's not appropriate to do so, inside or outside of government. People have a right to their own lives, which they don't have when someone is imposing subjectivity onto them.

Objectivity is a method of giving people freedom. It aligns human activity upon realities which are always the same for everyone and come out of the laws of the universe instead of human subjectivity. Without such objective reality, everyone would be going in circles wondering whose arbitrariness they should try to respond to. That's the problem conservatives produce in imposing their subjectivity onto everyone else.

Trump showed the result more extremely and obnoxiously than usual, as his awareness level was so low that he assumed corruptions were methods of succeeding. He assumed that imposing his values and purposes upon everyone is what he got elected to do.

Presidents are supposed to be administrators, not controllers. Conservatives don't know what that means. All corruption is a slide into subjective influence. It's a process of destroying what is influenced.

If results are not aligned upon objective realities which come out of the universe and are the same for everyone, the functionality is destroyed. Nothing can function properly being subjectively influenced.

Trump was highly agitated. His primary concern was that others were trying to subvert what he was doing. He tried to purge anyone from government who was not supporting him. Supporting him for what? There was nothing he was doing. He wanted support as power. Power for what? Power to impose his destructive whims onto everyone as a fascist dictator.

Corruption is largely a rejection of objectivity. Corrupters view objectivity as a force working against them. So they assume objectivity is a destructive influence. The strange hate that conservatives have for so many other persons comes out of the assumption that attempts to be objective are destructive influences being imposed upon them.

To a large extent, the polarization that is increasing in society results from the opposing forces of subjectivity vs. objectivity. In the public domain, those influences are incompatible. Objectivity is the right and proper position to take; yet conservatives aligned themselves against objectivity assuming subjectivity is the only acceptable standard. They are objectively wrong about it.

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