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The Significance Of Anti-Reality

January 23, 2021

Trump had no relationship to the federal government. He stripped it of functionality to every extent possible through several methods. One method was to remove democrats, specialists and opponents. Another method was to change laws and rules, such as breaking up parks and reserves and throwing out the pollution laws of the EPA. Another was to move central offices out of Washington stripping their functionality.

But more than anything, his awareness and concerns were focussed on nothing or no one but himself. He disallowed any discussion or review of issues and resorted to tweeting as his only method of expression. Nothing in his tweets had anything to do with running the government. They were about himself and his hate for his enemies.

In that behavior he generated a social force aligned upon bigotry, white racism and his values and purposes in replacing democratic government with totalitarian fascism. That result remains an overwhelming threat to democratic government.

But there is an even worse threat than dismantling the government generated by Trump's standard. It's the threat of anti-reality. State and impose the opposite of objective reality as an operating principle. Try to steal an election while accusing the other side of trying to steal the election.

Speaking in opposites is not uncommon. It's an operating principle of conservatives. They claim to be improving the economy, while they gut the government budget to prevent the money from being spent on social programs. They claim to be promoting infrastructure development, while they obstruct the process.

But the conservative standard has been nothing more than common lying. Lying is so common that people need to learn to deal with it. What Trump did was on a different level of destructiveness in its threat to ordered existence. He attempted to reverse an election on no other basis than absurd claims in contempt for objective reality and all official determinations.

One reason why Trump's anti-reality was so destructive is because he instilled the falsehoods into the realities of a large group of followers and generated a social force that continually increased to a point of insurrection. It played upon the discontent of large masses of social outsiders who sought an avenue of expression through the social force that Trump generated. It was all based on anti-reality.

Anti-reality is a wipe-out of the defining principles of existence. It leaves nothing for an operating basis but the motives of destroyers. It leaves nothing to argue. It erases history and knowledge. It allows nothing to oppose itself. It blows away everything in front of it, so there are no obstacles to a destroyer doing as he pleases to destroy opponents and opposing forces.

That's were Trump left the government; and he said he would be back. Can the damage even be repaired? There is no certainty that it can.

The purpose of anti-reality is to remove reality as an obstacle. But it can't be the absence of reality, because a vacuum gets automatically filled with something. There has to be a substitute reality to fill the void.

The substitute reality that Trump and followers filled the void with wasn't credible. It wasn't supposed to be. If it were credible, it would have elements of reality which would have defeated them.

Instead, anti-reality is such a mockery of reality that it eliminates reality as an opposing force. It's an extreme substitute for reality which shoves out reality.

Rational persons can't believe that such absurdities would be promoted by Trump and his followers. They aren't grasping the purpose. The purpose is not to be credible but to be incredible. Trump's followers are meeting a need that developed for eliminating reality as a force that defeats them.

In other words, anti-reality is not an absurdity to be ignored—something that came out of nowhere and will disappear into nowhere. It's a tactic that is needed when extreme corrupters acquire power. It could be found in the absurdities of the abuse of power scattered through history. There were absurdities in Nazism that would have resulted from the need for anti-reality, such as the claim that Nazis were an Arian race.

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