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Reshaping Reality

October 2, 2021

Power is a reshaping of reality. The product of reshaped reality is a tangential state of existence, sort of like living on a different planet alongside the real planet.

An analogy would be going to a garbage dump, painting and reshaping the garbage to make it look like a theme park. The garbage is analogous to the actual result that power mongers produce. It needs to be sold as something other than what it is. Power requires an Alice-In-Wonderland type of existence.

Why? Because power replacing rationality is a destructive state of existence which needs to be portrayed as a superior, if not infallible, state of existence. Questioning, dissent or criticizing destroys the product of power mongering.

This is the main reason why the media is so unreal. The media is the finished product of reshaped reality. The task is like transposing reality along an assembly line. The finished product must look like the noble effort of super beings heroically working their fingers to the bone to do the impossible against all odds in converting the mess created by inferior persons into a livable state. At the same time, the future must be fantasized as the answer to everything which the super beings are on the verge of creating.

The disconnect from reality leaves power mongers with nothing when they lose. Trump shows us how it works. Without the presidency, he is nothing. He has nothing after losing power, which creates his desperation in holding onto power.

Other power mongers don't lose that thoroughly. They slide sideways from one position to another, in and out of the bureaucracies, or from one institution to another on the greased machine which they hijacked from the social structures for mongering power.

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