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Replacing Rationality


Fifty five supervisors were fired, when DeJoy redesigned the Post Office. What types were fired and what types remained? Now the postal employees have to defy the supervisors to get the mail through.

Trump claims the government is only supposed to support Republican states and cities, not Democrat control ones. What that says is there is take-over process to putting fascists in power. It's not a convincing process; it's a replacement process.

Trump fired several staffers for each position under his control in the process of finding persons who would worship him in defiance of laws and purposes of government. That's a process of control through replacement.

The way incompetent corrupters took over the social structures was by shoving out rational persons and replacing them with incompetent corrupters. The way it works is by a group of three to five corrupters accusing rational persons, one at a time, of something that is not true. To please the group of trouble makers, the target person gets shoved out or demoted, one at a time, until corrupters control everything.

During the Reagan years, bureaucrats who were Democrats were moved to nonfunctional offices, often in basements, while Republicans took their place. By not firing the Democrats, there was minimal visibility to the process, while Republicans replaced Democrats in the bureaucracies.

In 1956, there was movie on pod people (Invasion of the Body Snatchers), where there was a take-over of the human society by alien invaders who arrived in pods. When a human fell asleep, a pod would be placed nearby, and an alien would move out of the pod and replace the human with a similar appearance. There is something standard about replacement as a method of take-over by aliens.

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