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Origins Of The Corruption Mentality

May 25, 2021

There is a mentality that corrupters promote. It is not logical. It attempts to promote corruption as something good. Why would anyone go along with the promotion of destructive purposes which often include criminality? Why should we view criminality as something good rather than something bad?

The corruption mentality does not have a logical origin. Yet it is imposed upon society with a lot of determination and sanctification. It is promoted as being good, which doesn't match its destructivity.

Corrupters actually expect everyone to go along with their destructivity, as if everyone would benefit from it. They don't know that normal minds are not that way.

It's analogous to corrupters acquiring every type of weapon imaginable to defeat the Green Martians, when there are no Green Martians to defeat.

In other words, there is something wrong about the origins of corruption. Where rational persons connect their purposes to objective reality, which everyone has in common and understands, corrupters base their purposes on subjective destructivity which does not properly connect to objective reality and appropriate standards.

So the question is, where does that mentality come from? It traces back through circular logic to the problems that corrupters have. One thing connects to another in strings of causative effects without rational logic making the connections. The connections are reactions which do not have a rational logic.

At the starting point corrupters do not fit into the social order because of their incompetence and corruptness. It takes competence and uncorruptness to understand what incompetence and corruptness are. So corrupters get it wrong.

Getting it wrong, they assume there is something unfair about others relating to them as if they were incompetent and corrupt. That element of assumed unfairness carries through their purposes creating the self-righteousness and determination to prevail at promoting corruption.

Constructivity is promoted through evaluation, while corruption is imposed without logic. Corrupters make an attempt at logic, but all they do is expose their incompetence and corruptness. Then they assume there is more unfairness in the responses, and they get more determined to impose their incompetence and corruptness without rational logic.

And abracadabra, you get QAnon and lying for political gain that is not supposed to be taken serious but needs to be accepted anyway, such as Trump winning the election and Democrats stealing it from him.

In other words, corrupters do not believe the literal meaning of their words; what they believe is the noble purpose they represent. Lies are assumed to be the best way to promote the noble purpose. It's how wars are fought. The more destructive the weapons, the more wonderful the result. Lies become wonderful in attacking the unfairness of opponents.

Sanctimonious Power

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

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