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Rock Bottom

February 15, 2021

The present state of politics shows the starting point and end point of moral truth.

Usually, a totalitarian dictatorship only shows the end point, while the starting point is so illusive it appears to not exist. Trump's attempt and failure to create a totalitarian dictatorship in the context of two hundred years of democratic government shows both.

The starting point of moral truth is that life is unified reality, which requires an objective source of reality based upon laws of physics and a relationship to that source which aligns life upon it.

The end point of moral truth is a rejection of and attack upon the above. This is what the argument over Trump's influence consists of.

Trump showed a rejection of and attack upon the truth, knowledge, science, rationality and ordered existence required to sustain life as unified reality. He assumed life would excel with lies, irrationality and attack upon ordered existence all imposed through his arbitrary whims. That's what totalitarian dictatorships are.

There is no evidence in any previous totalitarian dictatorship that life exists as unified reality with requirements for truth, knowledge, rationality or ordered existence. The creation of totalitarian dictatorships wipes out unified reality to such an extent that the operating premise is that nothing should ever exist but the destructivity of an ignorant dictator arbitrating existence on the basis of his whims.

Two hundred years of democratic government created concepts of constructivity which have not yet been erase from the knowledge of society. Yet the followers of Trump pretend that he has succeeded in converting existence into an attack upon life as unified reality and proven their standard to be the only justifiable and acceptable state of existence.

The self-righteous attack upon opponents, even Republicans, for opposing Trump's standard shows a belief system. Corrupters believe in their corruption.

A totalitarian dictatorship is the absence of ordered existence due to the ignorance of incompetent corrupters. When they move into positions of responsibility, they have no ability to adapt to the demands. So they arbitrate all concerns with nothing but ignorant whim to go by.

What conservatives mean by freedom—their perpetual quest—is the absence of ordered existence. They cannot meet the demands of defined and stable rules, so they assume the absence of them is freedom and a totalitarian dictatorship is how to produce that result. They believe in it and fight for it, as complexities expose their ignorance and incompetence and makes them losers.

Character Corruption


The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

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