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Quality Food


People exhale ammonia; and farmers are not supposed to use ammonia to grow food on. There is not a good substitute for ammonia where nitrogen is low in soil such as California. So the alternatives are dangerous, which sometimes (more and more) includes sewage sludge which has every chemical synthesized by humans in it including heavy metals such as mercury, lead and arsenic.

Not allowing ammonia-based fertilizers to be used in growing organic food is absurd. And not allowing parental livestock to be non-organic for organic feeder livestock is absurd. Those absurdities are keeping quality food away from people.

Organic food is a lesson in subversion. Organic could almost be the norm in agriculture except for two critical elements. The safest and irreplaceable source of nitrogen, ammonia based molecules such as ammonium nitrate or urea are not allowed for organic food.

Why is the label called organic? So corrupters can remove the only reliable source of added nitrogen in agriculture.

People can eat ammonia based molecules, but they are not allowed to put it on the ground for so-called organic food. Ammonia is exhaled in human breath. Urea is excreted in urine. Why must such molecules be kept away from plants? Corruption, as always. Corrupters subvert everything, because they need fraud for power.

Trying to produce a substitute for ammonia based fertilizers requires contortions which reduce food quality and make it more expensive, because there isn't a good substitute.

In some places, no nitrogen needs to be added for agriculture; but those locations are not where produce is produced. Produce should be produced in those locations. The reason why it isn't is round-about. During the nineteenth century, agriculture was challenging; so produce was produced in the least challenging areas, such as California, where the ground is sandy and almost sterile requiring fertilizers to be added.

Where no nitrogen needs to be added for agriculture is where the ground is hard clay and freezing occurs during winters. The combination of hard clay and freezing temperatures builds up nitrogen in the soil. Nitrate comes down from the sky due to lightning; and bacteria convert the nitrate into ammonia based biological molecules. Freezing recycles the nitrogen making it available to plants as the ground thaws.

But nitrogen is not the only attack upon human rationality with organic food. Another frontal assault eliminates organic meat by requiring parental animals to be organic and loved to pieces. It's nice to love animals, but doing so has nothing to do with quality of food. Parental animals are too far removed from relevance to place any requirements upon them for organic food. But such absurdities are the ticket to success for the incompetent power mongers who need to reduce human existence to rubble, before they can dominate rational persons.

The way it works is to start with a perverse label. In chemistry, organic means carbon based, while inorganic means mineral based. So label quality food as organic, and there goes the only realistic form of nitrogen, because such nitrogen is said to be inorganic in chemistry. There is no other logic for excluding the primary source of agricultural fertilizer than the fake label of organic. And there is no other reason for using the label organic, when all biology is organic, than subverting the process.

There needs to be a new food standard to replace organic. There are several things wrong with organic.

The worst problem is activists not allowing ammonia-based fertilizers for organic crops, while they promote sewage sludge as desirable for supposedly building up soil. Even though sewage sludge is not allowed for organic crops, there is a time base for the requirements, while heavy metals from sewage exist in the soil forever. Another problem is that demands placed on organic animals are so ridiculous that no significant progress can be made.

You couldn't get a more toxic pollutant to put on soil that sewage sludge. It contains every heavy metal and synthetic chemical produced by humans. Yet activists praise sewage sludge as supposedly building up the soil. Real soil doesn't need to be built up. California soil does, because it is mostly sand.

Vegetables could be grown in all 50 states. Most states have rich soil that does not require addition of chemicals. Nitrogen comes down with the rain where there are thunder storms. N2 in the air forms nitrate due to lightning. Yet nitrate is not allowed on so-called organic soil.

Phosphorus is used and applied in inorganic/mineral form. If phosphorus can be used in mineral form, why not nitrogen? When growers try to make this argument, fakes jump up and demand organic nitrogen. They also demand a psychology of building up the soil as a fake concern for nature. They are subverting the food system, just as they subvert environmentalism as greens.

The fakes won't be stopped by fixing the concept of organic food; so an alternative needs to be constructed for the purpose. The alternative should be called something like "superior" food rather than organic food. Calling it superior shows that there is something wrong with the direction "organic" went.

In regard to organic animals, the requirement that parental animals be organic for feeder animals is ridiculous. It can only be achieved under the most limited circumstances. On top of that, grazing is required. There is no space for grazing in most areas. South Dakota grazes stock cows on endless grasslands, particularly around the Missouri River bluffs. Elsewhere grazing is an extremely expensive luxury. And it is unnecessary. Compassionate confinement is practical, and it should apply to all types of livestock.

Therefore, a new standard should be created for quality food. A good label for it would be superior food or quality food. It should not be under government control, because the bureaucracies have deteriorated into nonfunctionality. The purpose should be practical and adaptable improvement in quality of food. Inorganic nitrogen fertilizer should be allowed. Sewage sludge should not be allowed under any circumstances. The history of livestock only needs to go back as far as weaning for qualifying. Grazing should not be required, though any confinement should be compassionate, which is not difficult to achieve.

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