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Progress Stifled By Incompetence

Progressives promote the science and engineering required for making progress. That means meeting the demanding standards of increasing complexities. Greens and know-nothing journalists are the opposite in imposing fake science and technology onto society at the expense of the lower classes.

After WW-II the U.S. made huge leaps in social and technological development including innovation and inventiveness. That era is gone. Yet fantasizers pretend that they are even more advanced in turning fake technology into the answers to all problems.

The earlier advances were made through opportunities which allowed creative persons to develop solutions to problems. Steve Jobs showed how the process used to work in the most complete sense by developing the smart phone. He had the freedom and opportunity to do what he knew needed to be done. But even then, the doors were closing on progressiveness, perhaps indicated by the fact that Jobs was shoved out of his own company until bankruptcy allowed him back in in a desperate attempt to salvage the company.

Long before the smart phone was created the ability of progressives to make social progress was replaced by incompetents taking over the social structures and shoving out rational persons. Real progress is being replaced by unrealistic fantasies spear-headed by fakes who have no clue as to what they are talking about. The most incompetent know-nothings do the speaking on technical subjects now days, because fakery is a power mongering tool and incompetents can carry the fakery farther than accountable persons can.

A telling example is the concerted attempt to improve the batteries needed for electric vehicles. The fact that electric vehicles are going nowhere is not recognized by the promoters of the concept including the engineers. Engineers never were in a position to make significant progress, as they are assigned the task of reproducing procedures that innovators developed. Often, physicists would chart the path for engineers being super engineers in combining science and engineering. Examples were the atom smashers and nuclear reactors which physicists would design and engineers would write up.

The task of improving batteries for electric vehicles is a fools errand for many reasons. One reason is because the goal is similar to turning lead into gold. There are laws of physics which prevent the chemistry of batteries from doing what fantasizers want to accomplish. Batteries use chemical energy, which means energized electrons. Those electrons require a lot of mass as nuclei surrounding them. The nuclei add weight and space to the brew. Incompetents assume they can continuously reduce the battery to practical requirements for transportation with no concept of the physical limitations. Every few days a supposed breakthrough occurs in improving the batteries, but the results go nowhere, because electrons require more mass than the requirements of electric vehicles allow.

Over the past several decades, vehicles were made smaller and lighter attempting to improve efficiency. The batteries of electric vehicles approximately double the weight of automobiles, which reverses the purposes of previous technology. Rationalizers tell themselves that such a path is an improvement based on the assumption that electricity is an almost unlimited supply of efficient, carbon free energy. They talk themselves into stupidity believing their own propaganda. Electricity used to be so inefficient that only the rich could afford to squander it. Now it is supposedly so efficient that it can solve transportation problems. Sliding realities around like that is something incompetents do, not rational persons.

The March To Fascism

Where Fake Science Came From

Draining The Economy Dry

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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