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The Purpose OF Reality


April 20, 2021

As the social order deteriorates, the purpose of reality deteriorates.

Human existence creates a purpose for reality. Corrupters do not accept the proper purpose for reality, which is the essence of corruption. They want to redirect reality for their corrupt purposes.

It happens because corrupters do not see the proper purpose of reality and decide to exploit reality. Exploitation means they gain while others lose.

Human existence requires problems to be solved. Everyone has problems but not everyone is trying to solve them. Exploitation is not an attempt to solve problems but to dump them onto someone else. Power is required to do that, since the victims opposed being victimized.

In other words, human existence makes it possible to define right-from-wrong based upon the requirements for solving problems. Constructivity can be defined as the problem solving process. Not solving problems including destructivity can be defined as corruption based upon the process required to solve problems.

Corrupters, of course, lie about the difference. They claim that creating problems for other persons is a superior standard, but of course, only when they are doing it for their own benefit, not when someone else is doing the same thing to them. The contradictions in defining who is supposed to be victimizing who creates an objective criterion for determining what corruption is.

The internet brought this concern to the surface in a major way. It raises the question of who should benefit from the technology which exchanges realities. First, it was the search engines, and now it is mass communication techniques. The persons controlling the power want to use the technology for their exchange of realities but not for their opponents.

"Get those crazies off the internet" was the cry of power mongers, as the internet took form. Who were the crazies? Everyone but themselves and those who promoted their power mongering schemes. This question still dominates the dispute. Who should be allowed to exploit the process and who should be shoved out. Conservatives claim the liberals control the process and are keeping them off the medium.

So the search engines and their equivalents do shadow screening. That means they suppress some views in an invisible way. More basically, they set up the process so only select concerns are visible, which means power mongers only.

Doesn't everyone try to exploit reality? Everyone with no self-respect does. Rationality is not an exploitation process. It is highly demanding. It requires alignment upon the objective realities created by the universe. It does not exist without strict standards which corrupters do not attempt to produce.

Corrupters hate rationality, because it results in everyone being dealt with equally. Equality is the demise of corrupters. They need an advantage over others. Unless someone is being harmed, they become losers.

The constructive purpose of reality requires objectivity. That means who benefits must not be considered. The minute persons enter the equation, the realities become subjective, which misaligns them.

This is not to say people must discard their subjective concerns; it says they must not allow their subjective concerns to influence the determination of what objective reality is.

Power mongers do the opposite. They tell themselves that if they aren't promoting themselves and their subjective concerns they are losers. They are on a path where they cannot be winners through constructivity. They commit themselves to a process that requires destructivity to acquire the power that they rely upon.

So the only constructive purpose for reality is to determine and promote reality in its objective form with no influence from subjective concerns. Nothing other than that will solve human problems.


What Constructivity Is

Why Rip Off The Nobodies?

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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