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The Politics And Propaganda Of Fake Science And Technology

Incompetent scientists were brought to the surface by incompetent journalists who found fantasy to be more exploitable than objective reality.

The fake science and technology of greenhouse gases, renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving are disconnected from the methods of producing rationality to determine what truth is. There is no evaluation of evidence and explanations of objective realities related to the subject. Instead, secondary information is used derived from unreliable sources.

Even if the IPCC were a scientific organization, and it is nothing resembling how science is produced or presented, for the journalists, politicians and public to rely upon such sources with no evaluation of their own is a guarantee of corruption. No unaccountable power source has produced any other result than corruption without the openness and accountability that allows errors to be corrected.

No one is explaining the science and technology of the fakery. Claiming that renewables are on par with coal says nothing about anything. If there were a reality element to such claims, explanations would exist. The claims conflict with reality to such an extreme degree that nothing more than prepositional phrases can be used. Any additional statements would show the conflicts with objective reality.

Such a black hole could not exist for such complex subjects without complete falsehoods. When an airplane crashes, everyone wants an explanation, and speculation is endless. For the greenhouse gases that are supposedly destroying all life, there are no explanations, discussions or speculations on how it's happening.

It happens because fake science and technology are power mongering tools, not objective realities.

Incompetent corrupters are disconnected from objective reality. They are trying to prevail against other persons, which absorbs them in a battle against others and turns objective reality into an obstacle to prevailing. As they commiserate with like minded persons, they acquire a consensus that tells them that objective reality is for fools, and contrived reality is the only realistic way to succeed in life.

Disconnect From objective Reality

Truth And Lies Become Meaningless

Persons who are disconnected from objective reality cannot determine what truth and lies are. Truth is a representation of unified reality. That means consistent relationships between realities. Persons who are disconnected from objective reality do not know what the relationships between realities are, so they don't know the difference between truth and lies.

Without a difference between truth and lies, lies are exploited. Truth is never acceptable to corrupters, because their corruptions put them in conflict with the universe. Truth exposes their corruption, so truth is the only force corrupters cannot defeat.

Therefore, any old lie is better than none for combatting the truth which defeats corrupters. But why not pick the lies that build up the corrupters as much as possible? That's easy for corrupters to figure out. So they are constantly lying about their worth and lying about opponents to degrade them.
Totalitarianism Is The Result

The only alternative that has ever existed to rationality based on objective reality is totalitarian dictatorships. A totalitarian dictatorship replaces rationality with the arbitrary whims of incompetent corrupters. Without rationality there is no ordered existence or institutions.

Ordered Existence

Disconnect From Objective Reality







Electric Vehicles




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Fake Technology

The Clutter

Theocracy Of The 1%ers

Power Mongering

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