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July 12, 2020

Positiveness is used to erase the incompetence and corruption of demagogues.

Demagogues are disconnected from objective reality. Positiveness is a disconnect mechanism.

What Trump shows is that demagoguery has only one requirement: Positiveness. As long as every corruption can be reframed as a positive result, demagogues are succeeding.

Journalists and critics are constantly mentioning Trump's endless lying. They aren't going farther and looking at the purpose, which is positiveness. All of Trump's lies are tailored to spin every corruption of his in positive terms.

As long as every result can be reframed in positive terms, then Trump is the answer. He produces answers to every problem not by knowing a thing about the subject or acting upon the realities but by reframing the results in positive terms.

If 90% of society died of the virus, Trump would claim to be the answer, because he saved the other 10%. There is no such thing as a demagogue doing something wrong as long as they can frame the result in positive terms.

When glitchy economic numbers showed some hiring in the midst of economic devastation, Trump said he was improving the economy. He has constantly claimed to be improving the economy. There is no mechanism in anything he did that would improve the economy. Simply saying so made him the fixer of the economy. Why then is he not the cause of the problems, if he is responsible for everything the economy does? Because demagogues only do positive things and nothing else.

Positiveness succeeds in erasing the corruption of demagogues as long as the journalists and critics look at nothing beyond the lies.

Beyond the lies lie the destructiveness of the incompetence and corruptness of demagogues. By looking at the lies only, the total effect of corruption is ignored and replaced with irrelevant words.

Where Demagogues Come From

Demagogues are mascots that represent a force. They have no capabilities to influence the objective realities of society. Positiveness is an obtuse representation. It can only exist in the total absence of objective reality.

What it means is demagogues are products of degenerate forces in society. They have to be incapable of influencing objective reality, or they don't end up where demagogues end up.

Trump didn't become a demagogue through what he accomplished but through a complete absence of accomplishing anything. He didn't acquire billions of dollars by accomplishing something.

The reason why Trump doesn't want his tax returns to be visible would be because he isn't worth anything. The path that he followed doesn't produce worth. He followed a real-estate path. That means bankers made his decisions for him. They don't loan money without making the decisions about it.

To make money at real estate, there has to be something more than real estate to the equation. There has to be something that gives it value, which requires some intelligence to produce. Most of Trump's real estate didn't have any value. He bought up losing gambling casinos and golf courses. Bankers love such real estate, because they get to collect interest on the loan for several years and then own the property when it goes bankrupt.

What it means is that even though Trump has billions of dollars worth of real estate in his name, it has no net positive worth. If you add up what he owes and the value of his real estate, the net would be in the negative area. All appearances from the worthlessness of most of his real estate indicates that he has a net negative worth, which appears to be why he doesn't want his tax returns to be visible.

His absence of worth is also indicated in his endless chiseling. He seems to have a dire need for chicken feed.

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is



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