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The Problem Of Winning

March 31, 2022

All corrupters assume that winning is the highest achievement and purpose of existence. They miss the fact that winning is a self-destructive process.

The reason why is because winning is a plug-in substitute for everything related to rationality including constructivity, truth and knowledge. Corrupters want to prevail with no ability to produce rationality; and winning is how they do that.

And since winning is a substitute for rationality and constructivity, it is destructive to rationality and constructivity. Substitutes destroy what they replace, particularly since a war against rational persons is required to get there.

Doesn't winning seem like the right thing to do when almost all forms of entertainment are aligned upon winning including gameboards and sports and sometimes entertainment? Even science is supposed to be winning, in the view of corrupters, which is why they use the Nobel to boost fake science into the unquestionable mode.

That's what makes winning look like a good thing rather than a bad thing. Corrupters reward and glamorize winning.

So that leaves the nay-saying to the losers. The problem is, winning created losers where the power and affluence are located, because corrupters took over the power and used it to promote Nazism.

Trump is of course the spotless model of perfection in showing what is wrong about being an incompetent corrupter. Winning is his primary focus in life. He glamorizers all new hires while attaching to them and degrades them when getting separated from them.

That's how winning works—attaching to sources of power and disconnecting from powerlessness in the form of losers.

Winning is how truth is destroyed and replaced with fraud—the highest achievement of corrupters. There is no way to defy truth, as truth has the universe of consistent realities enforcing it. So instead of defying truth, let alone arguing it, corrupters destroy truth. Truth is destroyed by winning.

The way it works is to beat up persons who produce truth showing that they are losers. Losers cannot be sources of truth, or they wouldn't be losers. That is unless truth is defined as something evil instead of something necessary. Either way, winning defines the value and virtue for incompetent corrupters, while truth can be destroyed as easily as beating up opponents.

That pattern is only good for a few seconds, but the psychological conditioning of corruption only lasts for a few seconds. So corrupters psychologically condition themselves to produce more corruption by winning, while everything moves in the opposite direction for net results.

That's called operant conditioning—a positive reinforcement for irrational behavior. Self-destructive behavior is the definition of psychopathology.

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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