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Overview Of Fascism

February 28, 2022

Describing the various elements of corruption tends to give corrupters credit for success, because corruption is exactly what they intend to produce. It might solve their problems; but if it doesn't, it's what they want to do anyway.

Corrupters have no concept of what corruption leads to. Extended reality does not exist in their heads. If they see immediate gains from corruption, they expect the gains to continue forever in promoting their interests.

Therefore, there needs to be a description of the totality of corruption in terms of the end results. The simple and philosophical description of corruption is that destructivity defines corruption, so destruction of everything is the end result.

But those words are too abstract. Corrupters are not accountable for the truth unless they can understand the words being used.

The path of corruption is highly visible and definable in the fake technology being promoted as supposed renewable energy. The clutter is already intolerable, while low hanging fruit is already gone. Nothing significant has changed in ten years. Yet corrupters have never seen such success with fraud—not since Hitler's Nazism.

That's because the fakery is still producing big rewards in putting incompetent corrupters in control of our lives. What it means is that there are two layers to corruption. There is the pretext in material realities, and there is the abstractions of power being promoted.

The material realities will determine the long-term results. But they can be total fraud in short term results due to exploitation. Exploitation means someone constructive has set up the situation, while destroys benefit at the same time they destroy what they benefit from.

Another complexity is that the persons who do the speaking and deciding are winning at the present time. The losers are invisible. So it is always the persons riding on top of corruption that do the deciding for corruption.

What the winners assume is that they have been winning at corruption for ten thousand years in the human society; so they will always be winners at corruption. It isn't that they have a process that is self-sustaining; it's that they will always be able to exploit whatever humans produce for a result.

So the net effect is that exploitation is based upon the assumption that the work horses are inferior persons who will always provide for the corrupters who are superior.

There are vast arrays of realities being missed in the exploiters' assumptions. One factor is that it is not easy to be a winner or stay winning through corruption. Corrupters have a lot of set-backs; and then they assume something unfair is going on, such as the Democrats stealing the election.

Another thing being missed by corrupters is that the social order keeps getting more complex, where material realities become more critical in determining success or failure. Responsible nuclear reactors are the only long term solution to the energy problem. Yet corrupters are convinced that no one can produce nuclear energy in a responsible way. So they assume fake renewables will be the solution. What if they are wrong? They couldn't be right with nothing for objective reality to base their assumptions on.

The latest aircraft carrier has only one elevator (patched in) for moving aircraft to the surface, while it was supposed to have eight. The reason why is because magnetic lifts were use, and there is no such thing as magnetic lifts. Wouldn't any brainless engineer know that? Not after rational persons were shoved out of the social structures.

Nazism is the most extreme form of corruption that can be produced on a national scale. The Nazis thought they were going to take over the world. Of course, they ran out of energy and needed to steal energy from other countries. They didn't succeed.

Yet the same mentality exists in the promoters of Nazism in the U.S. at this time. They are "marching to Pretoria" with their new-found source of power. They don't know the doom they set in place with nothing but thievery and conflict for global value through exploitation procedures.

Why Progressive

The March To Fascism

Where Fake Science Came From

Draining The Economy Dry

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How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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