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Opposition To Normalcy

September 3, 2021

Corrupters are opposed to normalcy. They assume they can change what normalcy is by attacking the persons who produce normalcy. In other words, they don't assume normalcy is a necessity. They assume their enemies got it wrong in their version of normalcy and a correction is needed. So they assume they are heroically doing a correction on normalcy.

Normal persons don't assume they are producing normalcy. They have no choice about normalcy. They respond to the requirements that the universe creates in solving problems. Of course, that result is normalcy. It's the required standard for relating to the laws of the universe. Problems cannot be solved otherwise.

It shows what corruption is. Corruption is no ability to understand the role of the universe in life. It's assuming there is no objective requirement for life and everyone arbitrarily picks a method of doing things. In that assumption, anyone who decides differently than themselves must be wrong.

The path of corruption is viewed as a superior path to corrupters. They know that their selected path is in conflict with the path that their opponents choose; and they know the path of their opponents is normally considered to be normalcy. So they are trying to change what normalcy is. They said so. When conservatives took over the world in 1981, they said their purpose was to create a new normal. The existing concept of normal was what they were rejecting.

To rationalize their statement, one would say they were simply trying to change the political landscape. But you don't use the word normal for political purposes. Normal applies to the most basic foundations of existence, since it is the laws of the universe that define and impose the concept of normalcy. And conservatives are trying to change the standards of human existence in everything they do, not just in politics. "Own the libs" is not a valid political position, it's a universal corruption. Destroying enemies to change the social standards is not a valid political position.

Not being able to understand such abstractions and having a motive to defy such concepts, corrupters assume normal persons arbitrarily decided what normalcy is and they can decide otherwise. Destroying enemies is supposed to change what society decides normalcy to be.

Corrupters don't realize they are trying to change the laws of the universe in trying to change what normalcy is. Subconsciously, they can't miss the fact; but they slide the universe into a slot of arbitrariness which can be defied by a superior standard. It's as if normalcy were too animalistic and humans can rise above such animal instincts and be superior in their decisions. Of course, the truth is the other way around. Stupid assumptions are more animalistic that aligning upon the laws of the universe through intelligent decisions.

Of course, the reason why corrupters are that way is because it works for them. What works for them is assumed to be a superior standard. What they miss is that their corruption only works for a few seconds until truth catches up to them. Then they have to defy the universe to prevent it from overwhelming them.


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