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Opposition To Explanations

March 23, 2021

Corrupters oppose explanations as an ethic. They always lose when explaining exists; so they oppose the whole concept of explaining.

An example is Trump saying immigrants are destroying the country. If there were a real problem, some concept would be needed for the nature of the problem. There cannot be solutions without knowing what the problem is.

But Trump is not in the problem solving business; he is in the totalitarian dictating business. Problems don't get solved that way. In fact, that problem is exactly why corrupters promote totalitarian dictatorships. They are totally incapable of solving problems. All they can do is lash out on whim. It never solves problems, but they blame opponents for that.

Notice this difference. If problems were being solved, Trump would be an irrelevant nobody. If totalitarians are supposed to lash out on a whim, he becomes the ruler of the world. There is enough difference there to oppose rationality as an ethic. Explaining is a large part of what rationality is.

For these reasons, corrupters absolutely demand a path in life which is devoid of the rationality with explanations required for solving problems. Anyone who thinks problems are supposed to be solved is not just a loser but an enemy of corrupters.

A large part of the reason why corrupters hate the nobodies and fight a war against the lower classes is because vulnerable persons need to solve their problems. Solving problems is totally impossible without determining what the problems and answers are through rational evaluation, which obviously must start with explanations.

Such a path exposes corrupters for the incompetent degenerates that they are. A large part of the war which they don't want to fight with one hand tied behind their backs is their attempt to defeat the social standard of applying rationality to solving problems. It takes a never-ending and losing war to do that.

Government and laws have the purpose of tying corrupters hands behind their backs to prevent them from fighting a war against rationality. Government and laws must be replaced with the whims of dictators to promote the ethic of corruption which requires no explanations for their claims.

Why Rip Off The Nobodies?

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

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What Corruption Is TOP


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