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Nazism As Reality Control


June 9, 2022

Corrupters are hung up on reality control, which seems strange, since they have no significant reality in their heads. But that is exactly why. They cannot resolve their conflicts with reality; so they are hung up on trying to diffuse their conflicts with reality.

Nazis are the most extreme corrupters taking over society. The result is always the same with corruption, because the forces always get aligned in the same way. The two poles consist of constructivity that sustains life based upon the laws of the universe and destructivity which opposes life. Tearing down what exists always reduces to the same methodology and reactions.

To a large extent corrupters operate by counter-intention. That means they oppose what others do and do what others do not want them to do. Counter-intentions removes the need to evaluate. Just do the opposite of what someone else wants; and no evaluation is needed.

The only force corrupters cannot defeat is the power of truth, because truth links to the laws of the universe. So their most significant battle is against truth. Combatting truth requires opposing realities. Obviously, the opposing realities cannot be as complex as truth, even if corrupters could handle the complexities. So reductionism is needed.

Destroying thrives on reductionism. That's because force against realities is all that is needed to destroy. Force must have rudimentary reality with it, but its properties are due to conflict with reality. Any old simplistic and obnoxious reality will create the force needed for bowling over realities.

So the battle of corrupters is to prevail with their rudimentary realities. Prevailing requires the power to overwhelm. So the power must be generated first, and then the destructive realities follow.

That's why Nazism doesn't exist until the power of corrupters is sufficiently generated to overwhelm the social order. The more power corrupters have, the more imposing their obnoxious versions of reality get.

The most important thing to notice about this subject is the difference between objective reality produced through rationality and the rudimentary reality used by corrupters. They are not equivalents. Yet degenerate journalists put the realities of corrupters on an equal basis with rationality. It's so noticeable of a problem that critics have been continuously mentioning it. It's called "two side-ism" or "both side-ism," as if both sides were equal.

Destructivity is not a parallel reality to constructivity. The recognized polarization that has developed is not a conflict between two sides; it's an assault upon all that is right vs an attempt to sustain life and rational existence under conditions of overwhelm.

One of the results of the reality problem that corrupters have is sloganeering. Corrupters find slogans that seem to serve their purpose and become dependent upon them, as if the slogans were the solution to their problems.

Corrupters acquire a belief in their slogans. Trump was obviously applying his slogans to his method of doing things. He assumed that you have to beat someone up to get a better deal, and he and destroyed global trade laws on that basis.

A slogan that all corrupters buy into is that the best defense is a good offense. So they attack and degrade opponents offensively to defend themselves against the truth. It's the same thing as projection—accusing opponents of what they themselves are guilty of pretending that they are more justified in their corruption than opponents.

One of Trump's stated slogans that he lives by is to dominate. He insisted that domination was needed to defeat demonstrators, as if no one had heard of domination before.

Projection is so entrenched in the corrupters' mode of operation that it's like a confession. You can determine what they are guilty of by their claims about opponents. Part of the reason why that occurs is because corrupters are only aware of what applies to themselves, and they know nothing about opponents. So the realities about their own guilt is all they have to work with in attacking opponents.

Corrupters live by their sloganistic equations in defiance of all contradictory evidence, because there is no such thing as evidence in their minds. Their minds are so devoid of realities that they do not evaluate to determine what contradictions are.

Pretense is used by corrupters as an operating principle. They try to reconstruct a state of reality where they are the winners doing the right thing and the only ones who have a right to live. The absurdity is no relevance to them. They assume everyone can live by their pretenses which will keep them in power as winners.

Pretense is extended into worship as a method of eradicating all opposition. The demand for worship is not always person oriented; it is basically cause oriented. That means everyone is supposed to be worshipping someone, something, somewhere in the cause of corrupters. Slighting anything or anyone who is part of the corrupters' cause is not allowed. The opposite is true of opponents; they must be degraded in every way possible to reduce their effectiveness.

Name calling has that purpose. One of Trump's identifying features is his name calling. He has a name for all opponents designed to degrade them. Sometimes names are used to build up insiders, but doing that is more unusual.

The arrow of corruption always points toward Nazism, which is as far as corruption can go in the human society. At that point, the self-destructiveness gets so extreme that corrupters are destroyed in their conflicts with everything and everyone. The end-point can be called Nazism, because the clearest example was produced by the original Nazis, which has served as an example of the problem since then.

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What Corruption Is

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