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The Nature Of Hypocrisy

May 2, 2022

Hypocrisy is an essential element of corruption. It is self-evidently a corruption to rational persons but totally invisible to corrupters.

The essence of hypocrisy is contradiction. There is no such thing as a contradiction to corrupters, because two things are compared to determine contradictions, while corrupters do not make relationships between realities.

But contradiction is only half of what hypocrisy is. The other half is the shift of corruption out of the reality medium and into a force medium. The forces of corrupters are an extension of their motives. There is no contradiction in the motives of corrupters.

All forces are in conflict with each other, but conflict is not contradiction. Contradictions are a property of realities, not forces. Resolving the force problem is on the corruption planet, not the reality planet. The problem of dealing with conflicting forces is (sort of) solved through a totalitarian ruler who must be unquestionably aligned upon.

Corrupters are promoting forces aligned on their motives, not realities. If they were aware of the difference, they would say anyone who puts realities above motives is a threat to human existence, because that is what they have been saying through deeds without words.

If a person produces truth about corrupters, the corrupters assume a proper response would be to shoot the offender in the back. Shooting someone in the back is more justifiable than producing truth to corrupters.

Notice in that example that the equivalence is a force, not a reality. The force created by truth has the power of the universe behind it. The force of shooting someone in the back has the individual corrupter behind it. Force against force is the only standard that exists for corrupters.

The reality medium is assumed to be the source of all evil to corrupters. The simple reason is because truth is the only force corrupters cannot subdue; and truth is defined by realities with the laws of the universe creating the imposing force of truth.

Truth latches onto the power of the universe as a force. It's using reality as the starting point and the force of the universe as the end point. So truth seems to be the use of force to corrupters. But the force of truth does not originate with the persons; it originates with the universe. Not originating with persons is everything. It means persons cannot corrupt the process, when the force originates with the universe. A force originating with the universe is aligned upon the unified reality that defines and sustains life.

(Corrupters assume that subjective and personal attacks are sources of truth. What they miss is that there is no way to get proper relationships between realities in the subjective and personal realm. Ignorant assumptions always go with the subjectivity.)

Corrupters only feel forces, they don't evaluate forces. That means a person originating force is no different than the universe originating force, in their view. Only evaluation of complex realities tells the difference.

Hence, no such thing as a contradiction exists for corrupters. Opposing rational persons with reality contradictions is a heroic thing to corrupters in promoting the cause of corrupters, which is to replace realities with arbitrary whims imposed by the superior ruler such as Trump.

The superior ruler is one totally devoid of realities which would disrupt the impositions of force that corrupters depend upon. Mindless ignorance is necessary to prevent realities from disrupting the use of force. It's extremely noticeable that a pre-condition for totalitarians is mindless ignorance.

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What Corruption Is

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