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Incompetents Need Fakery

March 15, 2022

Fake science and technology are tools for incompetents mongering power, not solutions to society's problems.

So-called renewable energy and electric vehicles are beyond absurd in defying real engineering; but they are promoted as power mongering tools, not real solutions to social problems.

Mongering power is the substitute for competence; and mongering power is a reality alteration process.

The word incompetent needs to be defined. A definition suitable for the purpose would be, lack of sufficient capabilities for an acquired purpose. People don't have to acquire purposes beyond their capabilities. But corrupters are persons who do so. They decide they want to get more out of life than they can acquire in a constructive manner and to use destructive means to get what they want. Power is required to do so, because destructivity is imposing while being unacceptable.

Power is imposed by incompetents through force. A force medium is created by power mongers in place of the reality medium that makes up life aligned upon laws of the universe.

The force medium is constructed through fake realities. Force can only be defined as that which is in conflict with reality. What creates force acting upon realities is a different form of realities. Realities have to be unreal to create a force. That means reality which significantly conflicts with other reality is needed to create a force.

Conflicting realities can be almost anything, while correct realities must be precise in fitting into the laws of the universe. So it takes no competence to produce force. Any old form of conflicting reality will generate a force.

Generating force through crud reality is how power mongers overwhelm other persons to prevail against them. It's an anti-reality process aligned upon the correct realities that someone else produces as an overwhelm. Since corrupters decided from the beginning that they cannot build themselves up suitably for their purposes, they get what they want by tearing other persons down. Anti-reality is how they do that.

Anti-reality means any form of reality that is not acceptable to the victims. There are infinite possibilities for anti-realities, because opposition is the only purpose. And therefore, no competence is needed. Just oppose someone with anything they find unacceptable. Fishing around for the most unacceptable forms of reality is how it is done.

And abracadabra, fake science and technology. There is no elaborate description for fake science and technology, because the purpose is to oppose rationality, not to construct something. Relativity is described with absurd mockeries, because its purpose is to tear down rationality in physics allowing corrupters to prevail over rational persons.

Know-nothing journalists imposed a greenhouse effect and renewable energy onto society, because the purpose of the cause is to put incompetent power mongers in control of our lives, not to solve a social problem.

Where Fake Science Came From

The March To Fascism

Draining The Economy Dry

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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