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Normalized Corruption

Corruption overwhelmed the social structures in recent decades including science which was highly vulnerable being abstract and complex. The social structures were vulnerable to take-over by incompetent power mongers who used them for personal gain at the expense of everyone else. Social structures are supposed to be problem solving tools, not power mongering exploitations.

Power mongers assume corruption is a superior standard to rationality, because it gives them power. Of course, they don't consider corruption to be corruption; they assume corruption is a more realistic way of doing things. So they tried to impose their corrupt take-over of the social order as "the new normal." Reagan called it "morning in America." Those aren't descriptions of a political process; they are descriptions of a cause.

Normal is always alignment upon the laws of the universe as needed to solve problems. Rationality is alignment upon objective reality through evaluation and knowledge. Anything other than that results in more problems instead of fewer, which is corruption.

The starting point of corruption is the assumption that if a person could prevail against others it would solve his problems. It takes power to prevail against others. So corrupters strive for power and assume that everyone strives for power. They don't evaluate such abstract concepts, they just assume them, which means they are subconscious.

So the underlying social standards that corrupters base their assumptions on are the requirements for acquiring power; and corruption is how power is mongered in the human society. Corrupters couldn't possibly be wrong once they decide that acquiring power is the purpose in life. Where they are wrong is in an inability to understand why anyone would be trying to do anything other than acquire power.

To acquire the power to prevail is domination. To dominate requires degradation. To gain anything from it is exploitation. To add scale to the process is oppression. So philosophers combine the four concepts as domination, degradation, exploitation and oppression as the essence of corruption.

Dominating To Prevail Is The Basis Of All Corruption

Domination requires control. Dominators are control freaks. They cannot ignore something which is none of their business, because they are obsessed with controlling everything.

People cannot solve their problems while being dominated. Not the least reason is because dominators know nothing about anything. They don't dominate to solve problems; they dominate to acquire power as a compensation for their incompetence.

Dominators are focussed upon themselves because of the subjectivity of impositions for personal gain. They become self-centered and expect the universe to revolve around themselves. They expect to redesign the universe to make it compatible with their corruptions. Redesigning the universe turns everyone's reality into nonfunctionality and destroys life for everyone.

The victims of dominators oppose the process of being dominated. The result is that domination creates counter-intentions and conflicts. Then the secondary reaction is that dominators must defeat their opponents which they created in the first place, and continuous wars are the result.

Mathematics in science proves what the corrupters are doing and that they are wrong. Everything in physics since Newton's laws is in error. Windmills being "on par" with coal is an economic fraud. Claiming electric motors produce 96% efficiency is an engineering fraud. Destroying the environment with renewable energy is fraud upon society at the expense of taxpayers and ratepayers.

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is



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