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The Need For Fake Reality

September 5, 2021

Corrupters need fake reality, because their whole problem is a need to oppose rationality. It takes fake reality to oppose rationality.

Rationality is too complex and abstract for corrupters to grasp; but there is a force that rationality creates because of the power of truth; and corrupters oppose that force.

Rationality is alignment upon the universe and its requirements for life. Life is extremely complex. Laws of the universe make it that way. The complexities need to be understood and aligned upon to sustain life by solving problems.

Corrupters are such failures in aligning upon the universe that they try to contrive an existence apart from the realities which the universe creates. Fakery is the reality which replaces the realities created by the universe.

Having no clue as to what the objective realities of existence are, corrupters assume enemies are imposing something unnecessary onto them. In fact, they assume imposing something onto them is crazy. They assume everyone has the same problem of not being able to align upon objective reality that they have; and therefore, the only realistic way to survive is to defy the mysterious realities which are too complex and abstract for them to handle.

So it is with a high degree of self-righteousness and determination that corrupters fight a war against rationality. It's not a bit different from fighting a war against one and one equaling two. Rational persons see that absurdity in the war against rationality that corrupters fight.

That's what corrupters are saying when they oppose someone else wearing a face mask to diminish a disease. Opposing masks is a fake reality which functions as a stand-in for their opposition to the rationality which they can't tolerate.

When Senator McCarthy was opposing communism during the early fifties, he was doing the same thing. There was no threat of communism in the U.S.; but the fakery of the concern was a stand-in for his war against rationality.

Corrupters don't understand their problem. They simply follow forces. The forces follow lines shaped by rationality. So corrupters slide into ruts like opposing face masks on someone else which should be none of their business, because they see the imposition as coming from enemies who are imposing rationality onto them.

Socialism has now replaced communism in the fakery of anti-rationality. Anti-socialism is a lot more versatile than anti-communism used to be. Communism was a governmental system; socialism is a set of human interactions and purposes. When those interactions and purposes create forces acting upon corrupters, they go off the rails—not because of a trivial requirement but because all of those forces lead back to their assumed doom—the laws of the universe being imposed upon them by opponents demanding rationality.

The laws of the universe are not viewed as a proper concern by corrupters. They assume humans are supposed to contrive a set of realities apart from the universe, just like they build houses to keep out the weather. The universe is viewed as a harshness that must be defied, while the socialists refuse to defy the universe, as if they were opposed to living in houses.

Isn't living in a house a higher standard? Corrupters assume that their sin and ignorance is living in a house, where rationality is forcing them to live outdoors.

To keep out the weather of objective reality corrupters must oppose all rationality. It's a never ending project like digging rocks out of a tunnel.

While anti-socialism is a highly visible manifestation at the political level, the same has been happening in science since long before socialism was on the radar of politics. Relativity in physics is the anti-socialism of science. Relativity is the attempt to move physics into the house of sin and ignorance.

Outside the house of relativity, everything in physics since Newton's laws has been in error, because the extremely abstract nature of physics made corruption far easier to produce than rationality. Modern manifestations are gravity waves, greenhouse gases, renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving.

It seems strange that persons who know nothing about science assume they know all there is to know about science. It's the same thing as the requirement for fake reality. Corrupters assume there is no relevance to any reality beyond their awareness. Outside their awareness is the weather than must be kept away. Within their awareness is the only relevant reality. So science which they don't understand is nothing to them but more irrelevancies. And of course, the assumed science in their own minds is off by a mile.

One of the things that nonscientists in general can't understand is that what little they think they know about science is always wrong, because they don't have enough reality to properly understand it. It's as if a rock could not actually be a rock unless you were a geologist who knew its chemistry. That isn't true for something as simple as a rock; but it is true for the more complex elements of science.

Nonscientists cannot get complex science right without suitable knowledge about the subject. Yet promoters of causes assume they are aligned upon the real scientists and can't be wrong about it, because scientists agree with them. Scientists don't agree with them; but they assume they do due to their oversimplification of the subject.

On top of that, corrupters synthesize endlessly without knowing that they do. And on top of that, they build upon each other's errors. One person stretches something a mile; and the next corrupter stretches in some more. And on top of that, lying journalists feed them garbage, which corrupters assume is fact and add more contrivance to it.

In other words, corrupters do not have a stable reality to relate to. Only the laws of the universe create a stable reality, while corrupters reject the whole concept of the universe producing a stable reality.

Corrupters need the fluidity of contrived reality as a method of rationalizing. The difference between rationalizing and rationality is the correctness of the logic in relating to the unified reality which originates with the universe. Without that reference, realities are not consistent.

Corrupters learn to contradict themselves endlessly without the slightest concern for the absurdities. It's more than a necessity for rationalizing; it's no ability to relate one reality to another to determine whether there is a contradiction. Rationality is the process of relating one reality to another; and corrupters fight their war against rationality as the process that exposes them for the incompetent corrupters that they are.

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