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The Motive Problem

August 23, 2021

Motives are misdirecting the social order. The motives are highly visible in promoting the big lie and related absurdities for keeping conservatives in power. As many have noticed, the Trump problem could not have begun with Trump. There had to be a lot wrong before Trump could have acquired power. The motive problem is what was wrong.

The problem with motives is that they warp realities. When warped realities get rewarped over and over, there is no stable reality. Realities shaped by motives are nonfunctional and worse. Incorrect realities misalign social purposes.

There is nothing credible about greenhouse gases, renewable energy or electric vehicles. Motives shaped those assumptions in conflict with obvious science and engineering. People can watch renewable energy destroy environments and energy systems and still assume such energy will be the unlimited solution to energy problems. Supposedly, the magical fix will be produced that does all that with renewable energy. In fact, the hard core promoters assume the magic already exists; they just have to convince the rest of society.

Motives get rationalized. The rationalizing process convinces no one but the persons who promote it. Rationalizers convince themselves and no one else.

The process of rationalizing includes false evidence. Rationalizers look for evidence of being right and pick whatever they can find for promoting their motives. They will always find something no matter how ridiculous.

To rationalize electric vehicles, renewable energy is supposedly carbon free and cheap. It is neither. To rationalize renewable energy, it is supposedly a method that removes greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and is unlimited. It is neither. To rationalize greenhouse gases, the proof is supposedly in scientific authorities and consensus. It is neither.

Scientific authority and consensus are oxymorons. If it is authority or consensus it is not science any more than robbing banks is banking. Science as authority has the only purpose of replacing objective reality with overwhelm. Otherwise, the science is in the knowledge rather than the authority. It can't be both.

Rationalizers of motives assume authorities can produce flawless knowledge. The error is in the methodology. It takes a correct methodology to produce flawless knowledge. Authority is the wrong methodology.

The reason why a correct methodology is necessary for producing correct reality is because the wrong methodology misdirects the process. Rationalizers don't know there is a process to producing correct reality. The process for producing correct reality is more critical than the process for producing correct engineering or brain surgery, because abstract realities are more demanding to evaluate than moving molecules around are.

The process for producing correct realities is called rationality. Rationality is the process of comparing realities to determine their relationship to the universal, unified realities that make up life and solve problems in life. Comparing and evaluating require openness and accountability. Otherwise, nothing is compared or evaluated.

Authority eliminates the whole process of rationality. Why not? Because there is no possibility of getting complex and abstract realities properly aligned upon universal, unified realities that define life without the open and accountable evaluation of the process. Authority does the opposite of that. It eliminates every element of the required process. Authority is like building automobiles without metal, assembly lines or engineering, as if it were something cavemen could do. For that reason, only corrupters use authority to replace rationality.

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