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Method Of Proceeding

August 27, 2021

The method of proceeding exposes the fakery of incompetent corrupters. A different method is required for every result. So the destructive methods of corrupters are vastly different from the constructive methods of rational persons.

Not being able to conceal that fact, corrupters pretend that their methods are so vastly superior to anyone else's that only they can be allowed to prevail. In fact, they pretend that they are so vastly superior that responding to criticism or explaining is above their dignity.

This is why Reagan said, if you have to explain you are already a loser. Corrupters explain nothing and pretend that not explaining is not only a superior standard but a requirement for being a winner. They never noticed that there is no rational reason to be a winner. Rationality is aligning upon the objective realities of universe instead of oneself.

Notice that the most significant element of the corrupt method of proceeding is the absence of anything that would produce a constructive result including explanations which would create accountability. In the void of that absence, the promotion of values is supposedly the highest standard.

Supposedly, corrupters are the only ones who have the right values for solving everyone's problems. They pretend to love the kids and pets more than anyone else and if the kids and pets don't benefit from their results, it's not their fault.

Since mongering power is the purpose of incompetent corrupters, their method of increasing power is to frame their group with positive word salad and frame opponents with negative word salad. Word salad means the words have no meaning. The purpose is in promoting or degrading. Anything positive promotes and anything negative degrades. No relationship to reality is required.

The underlying assumption of corrupters, based upon their purpose of dominating, is that solutions flow out from themselves. That means nothing objective stands in their way or is imposed upon them such as rationality or validly created laws. Solutions flowing out from themselves means domination with vulnerable persons being stomped under. Problems are solved that way, after they exist, by cancelling out offenders rather than creating procedures as solutions.

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