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Imposed Values

May 5, 2022

Conservatives are trying to impose values onto society. They pretend that there is no more pressing problem than getting their values imposed onto everyone. Supposedly, they must re-acquire control over government to correct the values problem, as if there were no validity in anyone else's values.

The imposition of white racism or white nationalism became the most visible and obnoxious characteristic of the fascism aligned with Trump.

Imposition of values always was a visible characteristic of conservatives but was quite suppressed by laws and rationality. The preventative laws and standards have largely been ignored by the fascists, as they overwhelm the social order with their purposes.

Therefore, the significance of imposed values needs to be clarified. Corrupters try to normalize imposition of values, even elevating imposed values as necessity if not superior intelligence as epitomized by the so-called Aryan race of the Nazis.

At the origins of the subject is the assumption that one group should prevail with its values over everyone else. That word "should" needs to be dwelt upon. Should is a quasi religious concept. Even though Nazis do not go for religion, all corruption has extremely religious implications in the subjective assumptions about purpose of existence. A subjective determination of "should" supersedes all religious concepts.

Rationality is not that way. It doesn't impose a should onto anyone. What should occur is defined by the universe which defines life. So saying should in a rational manner means it's the should that the universe creates not an arbitrary imposition that originates with persons.

Who is to say whether existence should be based upon an imposed set of values or allow a plurality of existence? Only the universe should say. Rationality addresses the laws of the universe without subjective impositions, which results in whatever plurality people want to produce.

Without the subjectively imposed should, plurality of existence is allowed. Not tolerating a plurality of existence has become the primary focus of Trump and the fascists.

Why then are the fascists different and intolerant? Because of their problem in the area of corruption. Corruption is a conflict with the universe. No one can prevail against the universe. So corrupters live under a conflicting set of conditions which can never be resolved.

In attempting to resolve their contradictions with the universe, which corrupters do not understand, corrupters try to force their values and motives onto everyone. They place themselves in the center of existence and attempt to eliminate any opposition to their purposes. White racism/nationalism is an attempt to eliminate any opposition to self as the center of the universe.

There is no evaluation to corruption, as corruption is a mindless outflow from self as the center of existence. The mindlessness results in not tolerating imposition of differences including different values.

Even values which are not being imposed upon corrupters are unacceptable to corrupters due to their inability to deal with complexities. Corrupters need an extremely simplistic environment with no complexities which challenge their incapabilities. Values represent differences while being quite visible. Along with visible values are endless realities differences which corrupters find intolerable due to their inability to handle complexities.

Eliminating complexities from life starts with eliminating the values which are the most visible sign of reality differences. So corrupters focus on the values which indicate problems for them.

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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