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Mode Of Operation

May 3, 2021

Standards matter, because the ability to evaluate depends upon standards. Yet corrupters produce zero standards. That means they get to their end points in the most rudimentary manner possible. They have to, because any degree of complexity exposes their incompetence and corruptness.

It should be socially unacceptable to operate at that standard, but standards are never questioned. It's no different than going into a bank with a ski mask and a gun. Yet the absence of standards is assumed to be the equivalent of a life-style rather than a form of destructivity.

The most common example is method of argument. Corrupters do no more than say the opposite of opponents or the opposite of their unacceptable purposes. Any degree of explanation would condemn then. They should be required to explain, but they never are.

That mode of operation destroys human realities. It allows corrupters to instill destructive claims into concerns and it creates a realm of realities that cannot be evaluated. Realities which cannot be evaluated have no limits. They create an unlimited and immutable force supposedly representing flawless wisdom and impeccable intentions, which means no one is allowed to question the result.

The absence of something results in a reversal of the destructivity of corrupters creating invincibility in place of condemnation. Society caves to the result instead of preventing it from happening.

One of the most visible examples is conservatives claiming that corporations burning tax dollars will stimulate the economy, which they have been getting by with since 1981. Any attempts at explanation buries them in their stupidity. But they never have to do enough explaining to diminish the never ending fraud. Opponents must develop the subject under other circumstances instead of making the frauds do their own explaining.

Part of the reason is because corrupters cry fowl when held accountable for their claims, as Trump showed in attacking journalists whenever they tried to follow up with questions. There needs to be a lot more accountability for that standard by calling it the fraud that it is with explanations.

More common and routine is the counter-realities that corrupters live by. Everything they say is their word against someone else's. Evidence which could show the truth is never part of the process.

One of the things that standard does is put each person in a position of being a source. Then the question is what source should people go by, and those who use the most force prevail over persons who try to produce rationality. Rationality is complex and easily destroyed through the force and violence that corrupters live by.

This is why no one should be source for realities. The universe is too large, complex and overwhelming to allow humans to be the source of realities, let alone incompetent destroys being the determining influence over humans and what they do.

Being totally disconnected from reality, corrupters assume there is no other method of doing anything but their method. Attempts at rationality are so far removed from anything they do that they assume rationality is a corruption for fools. That leaves nothing but their perversions for human standards in their assumptions. They need to be held accountable for their corruptions instead of allowing them to overwhelm human existence.


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