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The Meaning Of "The Big Lie"

September 12, 2021

Trump told his loyal Attorney General, William Barr, to just say that the election was stolen and he would do the rest. The Attorney General refused in spite of several months of promoting Trump's purposes. Why was a lie so important for Trump in his quest? Explaining why is important in understanding the degradation of reality that corrupters produce.

Superficially, a lie is simply a replacement for the truth that defeats corrupters. But the example shows that the effect is so much more than that.

A replacement for truth is supposed to block truth. But the big lie was also a directing influence. Everything Trump's fascists have been doing since his defeat is being directed by the big lie.

It would seem that the extremeness of the big lie would be its defeat. But the opposite happens. That means that extremeness is used to maximize the effectiveness in destroying reality.

When rationality is being produced, the degree of error weakens the result; but in the promotion of corruption, the degree of error strengthens the result.

One of the benefits of extreme error for corrupters is that there is no quibbling. Someone isn't going to modify the slogan or try something different. It's immutable.

Of course, the more extreme the error the less intelligence required to determine what it means. So all levels of corruption can be brought under the umbrella including the most stupid degenerates who have difficulty understanding complexities.

Then there is a somewhat subtle effect in that the lie is applied to laws that need to be defied. When the law says, he who got the most votes gets elected, that law needs to be countered by an opposite reality. So there is an opposing reality to the big lie.

The opposing reality cannot be subtle, because no argument can be sustained by a bunch of corrupters trying to defy the obvious. The lie must be broad enough that it wipes out all argument.

Underlying all of these concerns is the most important concern for rational existence—the fact that the lie is obviously untrue, as critics keep insisting. But the corrupters have not the slightest concern over the truthfulness.

That reaction shows that reversing the place of truth in the process is one of the most important purposes of the big lie. What corrupters do must not be subject to, limited by or defeated by the effects of truth.

One of the things the big lie does is immunize its promoters from opposing forces. It must represent a noble and necessary reality, so opponents can't say there is something wrong about the meaning. It says the true winner is supposed to be President and the result was stolen. So opponents have to argue secondary concerns such as methods of conducting elections. The secondary concerns are easier to muddle than the primary claim.

In other words, the big lie is supposed to promote the noblest of positions. If everything else about it is wrong, well, nothing is perfect.

The significance of the big lie is that it is not the first time such a thing has existed. Corrupters are well practiced in the standard of using lies for such a purpose. They needed no training in falling in line. The big lie was just bigger than the usual lies being used for such purposes.

It shows the state corrupters are in. They are in conflict with the essence of rationality and the life that depends upon rationality. They are extremists attempting to accomplish something in conflict with all requirements for existence.

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