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Why Lying Isn't Lying To Corrupters

March 11, 2021

Sometimes lying is lying to corrupters, but corrupters only recognize about ten percent of their corruption as corruption. The other ninety percent is assumed to be virtue. So the obvious corruption blends into the viruous corruption in such a forgivable manner. Nothing can be perfect.

The ninety percent of lying that is assumed to be spotless perfection stems from no ability to determine what objective reality is. It isn't that corrupters make a bad guess; it's that they use other methods of measurement. Since a lie is something that is bad instead of something necessary, lying to promote their motives is not lying.

Ten percent of the time, a corrupter would rationalize a conflict in a lie and the other ninety percent of the time, the conflict is not visible. So alignment upon motives does not appear to be a conflict. Why not promote motives with any version of reality that works when the conflict with objective reality is not visible?

Most realities are optional to corrupters, because the conflicts with objective reality are not visible. With optional realities, to not align upon motives is to not properly align realities.

Doing that is always a corruption, because corrupters always have corrupt motives. Nothing but alignment upon objective reality can produce constructive results. But if alignment upon objective reality is not known to exist, alignment upon motives is assumed to be the correct standard.

When conservatives took over the world in 1981, their purpose was to do a correction on this subject. Promoting their motives through any and every reality which does so was the purpose. Those any and every realities were lies by definition. They could not have been objective realities, because there is no such thing as promoting and aligning objective reality. It is the size of the universe, and humans have no choice about its characteristics. That whole concept was supposedly being corrected by conservatives as if they broke out of a fog and into the light of day by promoting their motives and aligning the realities of existence upon that purpose.

The "morning in America" which Reagan proclaimed wasn't a new way to do taxes; it was a redefinition of what human existence consists of. —some purpose for government, huh? It included breaking every law in the book to get elected in trading weapons for hostages to prevent Carter from getting elected again—spotless virtue in promoting the motives of conservatives. It included murdering rice farmers in Nicaragua by freedom fighters, so conservatives wouldn't have to fight their war with one hand tied behind their backs by adhering to the laws of Congress. Alignment of realities upon motives turned those corruptions into virtues.

Corrupters hate uncorrupted persons, because the later do not align realities upon motives; and of course the motives of corrupters are always the correct ones to align upon. Doesn't that tell the whole story? If every imaginable motive exists for corrupters, whose motives define the virtue? That question is too abstract to be anything but corrupt blather to corrupters.

Objective reality universalizes existence as the answer to life with the ability to solve problems by resolving conflicts. Nothing but objective reality originating with the laws of the universe can do that. To find a substitute that works for corrupters can never be anything but a path to destruction.

A closely related corruption is to apply nothing but positive words to corrupters and what they do. The positives are lies by definition, because what corrupters do must always be corruption, since nothing right can come out of corrupt origins.

This description world be an example of the abstractions that corrupters assume to be nonsense. Since they do not understand a word of the abstract relationships, nothing but positive words are suppose to be used in discussing themselves. It's wrong and intolerable to them to not be painted into a positive frame instead of a negative frame. Associating their corruptions with positiveness instead of the negativeness that they produce is an example of how lying is supposed to be virtue in their view of reality.

The Noble Purpose


Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

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