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Laws Of The Universe


July 12, 2022

The laws of the universe define life. Life can be defined as unified reality. The laws of the universe are the source of unified reality.

All corrupters fight a war against those facts. Corruption is that which destroys life.

What then exists without the laws of the universe and life as unified reality? Self-centeredness is the focus of corrupters. Since corrupters are trying to eliminate the universe, they make themselves the center of existence by default.

Subjectivity is the result of corruption. Subjective reality is that which originates inside a person's mind. Objective reality is that which originates outside a person's mind.

There is no such thing as objective reality to corrupters. Any influence from outside their minds is opposed and replaced with self-centered, subjective realities.

The clearest examples are the fake science and technology being imposed upon society. Being fake, they follow the rules of opposition to objective realities. In other words, the source of the fakery is themselves instead of the laws of the universe.

Corrupters apply infantile slogans to their endeavors as their direction in life. One of their slogans is to be totally at cause. "At cause" means being dominating prevailers who win instead of lose. What if everyone, or even some others, assume they need to be cause? Who wins at being cause? Those types of questions are shoved out of the existence of corrupters, as they rationalize their destructivity in positive terms.

Corrupters promote the ethic of destructivity by "dog whistle." Dog whistle is needed to evade accountability for the obvious contradictions.

Dog whistles are created out of values. If someone promotes the values of a war against the lower classes, they are among the like-minded corrupters promoting the destruction of objective realities.

In that process, corrupters don't have a clue as to consequences. They substitute values for consequences. Supposedly, anything aligned upon their values will produce nothing but desired results. It's analogous to shooting their enemies in the back to make themselves rich.

How could they assume otherwise with no objective reality? It takes objective reality to evaluate. There is nothing to evaluate with subjectivity. Subjectivity consists of what the persons are for or against.

Realities are tacked onto subjectivity; but with no relationship to objective reality, there is no evaluation possible. False realities don't evaluate. When corrupters pretend to evaluate, there is no coherent logic to their arguments. They skip from one point of self-sanctification to another with no links between points.

The claims of corrupters consist of negative words being tacked onto enemies and positive words attached to themselves. Negativeness and positiveness align their realities in place of laws of the universe.

There is no place for subjectivity in the general social discourse. Subjectivity cannot be translated into objective reality, because there are infinite complexities with subjectivity which cannot be evaluated. For that reason, subjectivity disrupts attempt to produce objective reality and destroys the necessary logic that links objective realities to the laws of the universe.

Such disruptiveness is viewed as a good thing rather than a bad thing by corrupters, because they are fighting a war against objective reality aligned upon laws of the universe.

Corrupters are very self-righteous in their war against objective reality due to their incompetence in handling realities in a realistic manner along with the habit of rationalizing their corruptions as virtues.

As a result, the social order obviously separates into persons who adhere to the laws of the universe through rationality in contrast to corrupters who oppose all that is aligned upon laws of the universe. The difference is instantly recognizable as evidence of rationality vs obnoxious contradictions aligned upon self-centered values.

Corruption has to be imposed, since it is in conflict with the universe. No one can exist in conflict with the universe. So corrupters need to etch out an existence which pushes back the forces imposed upon them by the universe.

In doing that, every iota of truth must be erased from the social order. Truth is the communicated representation of unified reality. Truth links to the universe, which gives truth power which corrupters cannot defy.

The only way truth, and hence opposition, can be erased is to homogenize the social order. Any differences will cause truth to evolve through the interactions of realities, because only consistent relationships between realities are what people have in common where there are differences.

Racism exists for that reason. It is an attempt to prevent differences from generating the truth which defeats corrupters.

Also needed to homogenize social existence is to defeat and control all opponents in the attempt to merge differences into a single source of control.

Since the purpose is to eradicate interactions of realities, extreme reductionism is required. Extreme reductionism means realities are aligned upon the whims of a totalitarian dictator with no concern for correctness or contradictions.

To achieve that result, worship of the ruler replaces ordered existence. But the ruler does not have to be a particular person; the ruler is nothing but a representation of the purpose of corrupters in replacing the complexities of ordered existence aligned upon the laws of the universe with absence of objective realities and alignment upon the values of corrupters in their subjectivizing existence.

The Need To Rearrange Reality

Since corrupters are always in conflict with objective reality, they have an endless need to create different reality. They need a contrived reality which is not linked to the objective reality which originates with the laws of the universe, because truth is defined by the unified reality that the universe creates.

Strangely, the contrived reality cannot be totally disconnected from universal reality—nothing can be. Yet a degree of disconnect is needed for mechanistic purposes. That means realities can be played in more than one way as a rationalization.

Corrupters pretend that they are superior persons with greater knowledge and importance, as if they were solving everyone's problems, while they are destroyers of life. It's one set of assumptions for justification and an opposite set of assumption for dominating through decadence.

Fraud is the essence of the rearranged reality that corrupters depend upon. Fraud is needed for power mongers to be winners.

As power mongers take over the social structures, they rearrange an increasing proportion of all social realities. The most obvious examples are fake science and technology including greenhouse gases, renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving. Going to Mars is being tacked on; but it is so unrealistic that is has to be continually shoved into the distant future.

As power mongers take over the social structures turning objective realities into fraud, fascism is the result. Fascism is the socialization of corruption.

The March To Fascism

Power Shapes Conspiracies

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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