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Journalists Shaped Assumptions On Science Errors

As exemplified by climate hype, journalists imposed an erroneous version of science onto society by disallowing critics to correct their errors. The errors originate more from nonscientific embellishments which feed upon each other than from within science. But there is also a strange tendency for incompetent scientists to substantiate socially developed errors, using social acceptance as their primary tool of study in place of objective measurements.

Any number of scientists have been silenced or shoved out of science for not agreeing with the version of science which journalists developed. The result is erroneous science, which was created by journalist.

Science is so demanding that incompetence has been an increasing problem as science gets more complex. But the incompetents in science were not prevailing in most areas until journalists picked sides and imposed their version of science onto society. Basic physics has been so abstract and challenging that it is in a category of its own for contrivance and errors.

It is a truism that improper standards will always produce the wrong results, particularly in science. Journalism itself is not the proper method of producing science, yet journalists redesigned the science related to global warming by imposing their ignorance onto society.

There is a tendency of not wanting to be wrong after making errors. Learning to be more objective is an element of science. But nonscientists are not so self-critical in imagining what science is. That problem should not have shaped the science of global warming. But journalists acquired the power to do so. Assuming they could not possibly be wrong, journalists allowed their ignorance to shape global warming science for the rest of society. Behind the journalism, organizations were doing the same thing but with less visibility and social impact.

And now journalists say that "scientific consensus" must not be defied. They shaped a false scientific consensus around their ignorance, and now they will not allow the result to be corrected.

To even use the term "scientific consensus" is self-condemning, because it says no disagreement is allowed, while science has the purpose of correcting errors. Consensus is how corruption is promoted, not how it is corrected. Yet consensus is the only argument journalists are using these days to impose their ignorance onto society.

Real scientists have rejected the concept of greenhouse gases heating the atmosphere since its origins in 1824; but by the 1970s corruption overwhelmed the science of the subject.

To real scientists, the idea of a small number of molecules heating the atmosphere, where each carbon dioxide molecule is surrounded by 2,500 air molecules, is absurd. A small amount of something cannot heat a large amount of something.

To impose their ignorance onto the subject, corrupters in science and journalism used a greenhouse analogy to indicate heating and trapping of heat. There is nothing resembling a greenhouse effect in the atmosphere. Greenhouses use a barrier such as glass or plastic to keep convectional currents and weather out while allowing radiation in. There is no such barrier in the atmosphere, and there is no such thing as trapping heat in the atmosphere.

All heat in the atmosphere is like all other heat in the atmosphere. There are no two types of heat. Heat is not trapped in the atmosphere; it radiates away very rapidly, as radiation escapes from a transparent gas much more easily than from an opaque surface.

But trapping heat plays upon another concept, where radiation is absorbed. Playing upon two different concepts to mislead the public is not a proper standard of science.

Differential absorption is irrelevant to carbon dioxide, because every molecule in existence is absorbing radiation constantly and emitting radiation constantly. A jar of pickles on a kitchen table does the exact same thing as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and it doesn't heat the kitchen. All organic molecules absorb differential radiation exactly as carbon dioxide does.

Differential absorption is irrelevant, because the absorbed energy is re-emitted in 83 femto seconds, which is too short of a time to call it trapping of heat. The energy is emitted as broad band radiation (called black body radiation), which is twelve times stronger than the differential radiation being absorbed (called fingerprint radiation), since the fingerprint radiation absorbed by carbon dioxide is 8% of the black body radiation emitted by the earth and all matter at that temperature. The 8% number was determined in the early 1950s before global warming was a social issue.

When journalists cannot evaluate these concerns and do not respond to criticism on the subject, they have no business imposing any version of science onto society. Yet they shaped the global warming fraud and prevented criticism of it. Insulating themselves from criticism by scientists while imposing fraud upon the public is an expensive corruption.

Deterioration of Journalism

Quite a bit of attention if being focussed upon deterioration of journalism with concerns over political bias. Politics is a lot more argumentative than science, so the manner in which journalists railroad fake science and technology onto society shows in a more provable way how journalism is deteriorating.

In general, journalism is deteriorating the same way science and all social structures are deteriorating. Incompetents are pushing their way into the social structures and using them to monger power in contempt for legitimate purposes.

Incompetent corrupters assume that the only thing anyone is doing in life is trying to acquire more power. Superficially, power is needed to solve one's own problems. But more rational persons see the corruptness of power conflicting with reality and refuse to sacrifice reality to power. Over time, the power mongers shove out rational persons by conspiring against them using group power as a method of overwhelming rationality.

The resulting journalism is a railroad job of irrationality. Objective reality is replaced with subjective claims aligned upon motives. Power mongers need a cause to justify their corruptness. The causes have to be frauds to insulate them from the objective reality which exposes their incompetence and corruptness. So when incompetent power mongers are drawn to an issue, the issue is a self-evident fraud.

The green cause moved in that direction from the beginning. Rational persons do not need a color to represent their concerns. But a color aggregates like-minded persons around a cause to create group power. So green has never been anything but a subversion of environmentalism. Yet liberals are forced to accept the green cause, since they cannot unravel the complexities at the social and political level.

Why Politicians Are Attacking Journalists

Liberals and conservatives in politics attack journalists for two opposite reasons. Conservatives are opposed to being held to accountable standards. Liberals are opposed to bias in promotion of candidates and causes.

The media is transforming social disputes into imposed errors. Social concerns now days are too complex for yes and no answers, but journalists and organizations strip the complexities from disputes attempting to be arbitrators of right and wrong, while they are clueless on the subject matter.

Nowhere else is one person's opinion any better than anyone else's, not even in politics, where a wide variety of views are represented. But journalism is different, because it controls what the public sees. The control over reality removes the normal requirements for credibility and accountability simply by eliminating opposing realities from public view.

There are constant complaints by journalists against critics who oppose their views on controversial subjects. Journalists assume they could not be wrong on the causes they promote, so they are trying to stomp out criticism of their propaganda. Their assumption is that their position is cut and dried and no complexities need to be discussed. That's thirteenth century standards. Science and education added depth of knowledge to social concerns. Stripping away the complexities reverts back to the authoritarianism of charlatan years, where Galileo was imprisoned for making scientific observations.

Greenhouse gases and renewable energy were disputes subject to criticism, until journalists decided those subjects for everyone else. Incompetent scientists who were struggling in the background were brought to the surface and made spokespersons for the subjects by journalists and organizations transforming disputes into authoritarian decrees.

Twenty years ago, most scientists were discrediting a greenhouse effect by carbon dioxide. What changed was the journalism, not the science. The version of science promoted in the media gets less credible day by day, as absurdities flow from journalist who eliminate all criticism from the subject.

Why do journalists and organizations promote the errors instead of the truth? Because they need causes to make themselves authorities over social realities. Only the errors create causes. Truth destroys the process of authorities dominating reality, because truth is universal, meaning the same for everyone, everywhere. So dominating corrupters pick errors for their causes instead of the truth.

The underlying assumption that creates corruption is that reality should not be determined by objective evidence but by power prevailing. Demanding objective based evidence and designing restrictive laws is forcing corrupters to fight their war with one hand tied behind their backs, as the Reaganites explained it. Those of use who demand objective reality based on evidence are assumed to be spoilers throwing a wrench into social progress, as if the ignorant contrivance of power mongers were the answer to social problems.

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