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Hybrid Autos Are A Scam For Gullible Fools

When hybrid autos came out, American auto-makers could not get improved efficiency, while Japanese hybrids looked like an improvement. The difference was not in the technology but in the smaller size of Japanese autos. American auto-makers could not justify making such small autos for American roads.

There is nothing in hybrid auto technology that improves anything. Plug-in hybrids are assumed to capture the magic of electrical energy, but electricity is the most inefficient form of energy there is. Only by covering up the wasted energy does it look like an improvement.

The concept of recapturing energy through braking is fools gold. Any engineer should know that. The ones who do have been silenced.

What gullible persons are missing in recapture is that 60% or more of electrical energy is lost every time it is touched. The braking generator loses 60% and the re-application loses 60%, at theoretical best. Operating conditions will result in about 75% and 75% loss.

Perhaps even more significantly, brakes are seldom used in normal driving. Road friction does most of the slowing.

Which adds up to trying to capture a miniscule amount of a miniscule amount of energy. When adding the increased weight required for the equipment and batteries, as much energy is lost as recovered.

The purpose in promoting such scams might look like a method of selling more expensive junk, but it's worse than that. It's a method of replacing rationality based upon real science and engineering with power mongering fraud. The whole social order is breaking down due to fraud overwhelming everyone resulting in more problems and no solutions.

Incompetent power mongers need fraud to overwhelm the rationality that exposes their incompetence and corruptness. They spend a lot of money on fraud as a source of power.

Explanations of Energy Loss

Why Renewable energy Won't Work

Why Electric Vehicles Won't Scale Up TOP     



Electric Vehicles




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