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The Fools Who Exploit


September 18, 2020

Exploitation is an attempt at immediate gain for long term loss. Fools don't get past the immediate.

Fools put all realities to the test of, what can we do with this instead of the test of, what are the consequences of this. They cut short the analysis due to their limited ability to do an analysis. The fools.

Exploitation is so obvious. In fact, it is often required. Corrupters try to define and impose economic virtue in terms of exploitation. A business must make a profit for investors at the expense of everyone else. It's a large part of why America is no longer great. When America was great, the developers were creating a social order for the good of everyone.

The difference between exploitation and creating a social order is what is wrong with society at this time. No one is doing business for the good of man anymore, not in the prevailing and dominant manner, that is. Not so noticeable is that the businesses designed for the good of man were once the most successful.

Up until the era of computers and the smart phone, Japan was walking away with technology and resulting businesses. Japan was so far advanced from other countries that Japanese products were a national pride. Anything made anywhere but Japan was below being considered.

It wasn't just the ability to get modern technology into a smaller package, it was in the purpose that made Japan great at one time. The purpose was to produce a better product. The result always follows the purpose. Japan was producing a better result. And it didn't fail due to a different purpose. It’s recent failures resulted from the evolution of technology getting so mammoth and complex that it could not be constrained within national limits.

Trump and the extreme conservatives didn't notice this fact. They still assume they can bring back the manufacturing. They don't know that modern technology cannot be constrained within national limits due to the extreme complexity of technology besides additional developed factors.

An example is Nokia. They were walking away with cell phones until touch screens were added. Touch screens required such complex manufacturing technology that it could not be constrained within national limits.

Complex technology is that way. It leaves behind inadequacies. Sometimes the inadequacies left behind are political corruptions. Corrupt politicians either get their heads straightened out or get left behind.

Exploitation is one of the corruptions complex technology leaves behind. Ultra efficiency is the only standard that survives high technology.

The attempt of Trump and crew is to get back to the old standard where exploiters could walk all over weaker persons and get rich doing so. They keep trying to re-establish that standard, but it is a stone age standard that is extremely unrealistic with an economy that evolved around high technology.

Look how stone-age-crude Trump's attempts have been. He thought tariffs on aluminum and steel would result in smelters of the 1950s type opening up. All it did was reduce the competitiveness of American products which had to be put together with high priced metals.

The quacks thought they could force the Post Office to charge four times as much for deliveries, which would produce some sort of 1890s magic. The Post Office spent two decades fine tuning it's efficiency to survive electronic communication and several other competitors for deliveries. One iota of external manipulation would drive the whole operation out of business, while Trump expects to increase the price of delivery by a factor of four.

In other words, the exploiters are having their heads redesigned whether they know it or not.

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