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The Fraud Of Predicting


October 12, 2020

The only political message conservatives have is predicting as a method of disconnecting from objective reality.

Predicting is not valid communication. It needs to be addressed as fraud, a form of improper communication, instead of political disagreement.

Biden has 50 years of experience in government, and all the conservatives can say about his is what he is going to do in the future. Why not what he did in the past? Something real would allow everyone to evaluate the difference between conservative claims and demonstrated results—just what conservatives are trying to avoid.

Guessing is not a part of rationality. Objective reality is needed for rationality. Objective reality is something that exists. Guessing at the future does not exist as reality.

Frauds do not understand what objective reality is. It starts with laws of the universe, which means physics such as gravity and molecules such as metabolism of cells. It's perceivable reality as the starting point with more complexities built upon the perceivable realities. In other words, something that can be verified through observation, measurement and documented evidence.

Yet frauds do nothing but guess at the future, because objective reality proves them wrong, incompetent and corrupt. Their guess work needs to be called corruption and fraud instead of political disagreement. There is no politics that turns fraud into virtue.

Of course, greens (fake liberals) base their claims for fake technology on guessing. Electric vehicles are always going to take off in two or three years. Renewable energy is always going to be 100% in the future, while it bankrupts everyone and destroys environments in the present and past.

Frauds move out of objective reality and into the future to escape the truth that can only be produced with real realities. The whole process should be self-condemning, but journalists have not been producing the truth about it. They pretend that it is normal, while it is not.

The manner in which the U.S. got fascism out of Trump is by pretending that fraud is an acceptable standard. If it is incompetent corrupters winning, it is fraud. How could Trump be anything but an incompetent corrupter when there is nothing he as ever done that is rational or constructive by objectively definable criteria?

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