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The Forces That Create Nazism

February 4, 2022

The appearance is that Nazism is derived from the purpose of defying every law that is encountered while producing maximum power through authoritarian methods. But applying rationality to the subject does not represent the irrationality that underlies corruption.

The basis of corruption is not the simple motive of defiance that it appears to be. It is a combination of power mongering motives and the absence of abstract realities that give human life purposes.

Rational persons evaluate five or ten thousand years of developed realities that are needed to solve human problems. Those realities do not exist in the heads of corrupters.

Without abstract realities to go by, corrupters go by a different set of equations. Their method of determining what humans should do is to start with the persons. That means someone arbitrates instead of evaluates.

Therefore, the starting point of everything corrupters do is to align upon the person or persons who do the deciding. Once those persons exist, anything they decide is the only basis for producing results.

That's why picking the ultimate "decider" is the only relevant factor for corrupters. Once the decider exists, he alone determines what results should be.

So to say that the law requires something is in total conflict with that methodology. Nothing that rational persons assume law to be can be put up against the whims of the authoritarian decider.

Objective reality influencing results through rationality is the equivalent of evil to corrupters. They are fighting a war against that process, because it doesn't exist in their heads.

Without abstract reality, rationality applied to objective reality is nonsense. It looks like total arbitrariness, when the related realities do not exist. So why not have the ultimate decider determine what the realities and results should be instead of any and every persons who produces some rationality?

Nothing could be more ridiculous to corrupters than have nothing, nobodies defying persons who are supposed to be superior to them in claiming what reality should be.

Below the ultimate deciders are layers and layers of lesser deciders in the world of corrupters. In other words, status determines authority over realities.

This is why, when I sent out moral philosophy to authorities on theology and psychology during the nineteen seventies, the response was "condescending" and "pedantic." They determine what morality is, not an inferior person. Reality is supposed to be determined by authority, not a process available to nothing, nobodies.

The substance was nothing. Who says so was the only relevant factor. And that's why fraud endlessly increases in physics and never gets corrected.

The March To Fascism

Where Fake Science Came From

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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