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Erasing Reality

January 9, 2021

Erasing reality is how corruption is promoted. Corruption becomes virtue only in the absence of reality. Even a small amount of reality used to rationalize corruption would expose the result to counter-argument. Therefore, the method is to remove all reality from the process when corruption is being imposed as virtue.

Consider the primary political corruption as an example of how the process works, which is the claim that corporations burning tax dollars improves the economy. What is the explanation? Usually none. Some distance from the central focus, some arguing will be done, but it doesn't stand up to criticism. In fact, the arguments are absurd. Supposedly corporations will do more hiring when they get government money. They don't need government money to do more hiring. They hire when there is work to do. So the politics is stripped of explanations.

There are simpler and more extreme examples. Why a war against the lower classes? No explanation, not even in the distant background. It's just a necessity because corrupters claim it should be.

Adding up the totality of the subject shows where corrupters heads are at. They are using success at winning as their test, which only works in the absence of realities. To dominate and destroy rationality makes them winners. No reality can be allowed to contradict the result. The supposed purpose of existence is to be a winner at dominating in destroying rationality.

For those reasons, corrupters are trying to creates a state of existence devoid of reality produced through rationality. Erasing the process of producing rationality has been a primary concern of Trump and sycophants. It's what they mean by "draining the swamp" or getting rid of "the deep state."

In a less obnoxious way, conservatives have been doing the same thing in stripping laws from government. Supposedly, no one needs laws to protect society from pollution or ravaging the federal lands and parks. Try to figure out why and there is no there there. Nothing is stated to protect national parks such as the Arctic Wildlife Refuge which is being sold to oil producers. No explanation could rationalize the result and no explanation is given.

The reductionism is most extreme where the corruption is most extreme. Totalitarian fascists produce no explanation while they operate by the principle that the absence of reality is superior to rationality. Obliterate all realities and operate by whim is the essence of totalitarian fascism.

Journalists should be digging into the related realities and demanding explanations; but they too often fail to do so.


Opposition To Socialism

The Failure Of Journalists

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

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