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The Education Problem

Major attempts to fix the education problem have been ongoing for decades. The fixers are clueless. They try to fix the teachers and schools instead of the students. Testing is the usual method of fixing. It's not a method of fixing. It's like testing all of the rocks to find an automobile. There has to be a constructive process to fixing, not a selecting process. Selecting the right rocks won't produce an automobile.

The reason why there is an education problem in the US and not in the "developing" countries is power mongering. Power mongering selects for incompetent persons to run a society. They lower the social standards in every area including education.

Power mongering destroyed the education system in the US. Mongering ever more power and trying to extract results form someone doesn't fix anything.

Power mongering is a war against rationality. It shoves out an destroys competent persons (How The Firing Works In Science) and puts incompetents in their place. It promotes fake results at the expense of the lower classes. And just as it destroys competitiveness, it destroys education.

The way power mongering destroys education is by lowering and changing the standards, so incompetents can monger power by getting fake degrees. The lower standards have to be devoid of rationality and abstract reality to prevent power mongers from being losers.

In place of rationality, power mongers replicate. Word salad is the result. It means words with no meaning are arranged around a subject.

The classical method of teaching word salad is Shakespeare. If it were just a historical view on poetry, a few minutes would take care of it. But it is taught for months on end in the attempt to teach students how to replicate word salad. If half that much time were spent teaching Newton's laws, there would be a lot less fraud everywhere.

Replicating is promoted as a fake ethic by power mongers. Since replicating must function as a substitute for rationality and knowledge, it requires a lot of promoting and sanctifying. To promote and sanctify is to create an ethic.

To rational persons, replicating is a corruption, because it disconnects realities from their objective sources which define the meaning. So a conflict of values and standards develops around the replication ethic and the rationality ethic. Power mongers actually assume that rationality is a corruption due to its conflict with the ethic of replicating.



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