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Destructivity As The Answer

October 28, 2020

Dyed in the wool corrupters assume destructivity is superior to constructivity. Proving that corrupters are destructive tells them nothing, because they assume only fools would try to be constructive.

Of course, no one would get to that point in a direct and simple way. In fact, a verbal description would be unrecognizable to corrupters. To a large extent, corruption is generated subconsciously without words running interference.

That's why corrupters do not accept get quite agitated by verbal descriptions of their corruptions. They don't associate their corruptions with the negative words that are used to describe them.

The logic of destructivity is that the result creates winners of incompetent corrupters. Such persons can only use winning as their criterion for success, since they are far removed from the demands of rationality applied to constructivity.

With winning being the only possible measurement of success, naturally, destructivity is the way to go about it. You don't see winning in the application of rationality to constructive procedures. There is a lot of hard grind to constructivity. So constructive persons look like losers to destructive persons.

In fact, the whole process of adding rationality to existence looks like insanity to corrupters, since the complexities are beyond their comprehension. That's why Trump will not allow anyone to explain anything to him. He assumes that explanations are a product of stupidity.

Destructivity looks like the quick fix for every problem, when there is no visibility of consequences beyond a few seconds. A total disconnect from consequences turns destructivity into constructivity.

Of course, someone always loses when destructivity replaces constructivity. That's why corrupters assume there must always be losers, while someone else becomes a winner. Supposedly, there will always be losers with winners and accepting that fact is realism. Persons who do not accept such a view are assumed to be unrealistic and an obstacle to progress by corrupters.

When "social justice warriors" try to solve problems for the loser, corrupters assume another layer of problems are being generated by gullible fools who cannot see the wisdom of destructivity creating losers. Cold bloodedness is a requirement for that view of existence.

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