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Dumping Responsibilities

June 1, 2021

All perversion is based on dumping responsibilities. Persons who are cause over anything acquire the responsibilities that go with being cause.

Perversion is almost defined by not doing that—by not being responsible for what is caused. Perversion is creating unmeetable demands for other persons. Corruption would not exist if the persons who create responsibilities met those responsibilities themselves.

Creating unmeetable demands is how Jim Crow laws work. Creating unmeetable demands is always a perversion.

There is no excuse for having lines for voting. Rich white people don't stand in line to vote; they go straight in and out. With no lines, every employer could allow paid time off for employees to vote.

Making excuses for equipment that doesn't work, too few employees and not enough facilities is creating problems by dumping responsibilities onto vulnerable persons. When tens of billions of dollars are spent on creating the problems, there is no excuse for the slightest flaw in the voting process. Not enough money is not an excuse for subverting democracy.

The pretense in dumping responsibilities is that the problem exists with someone else. Creating a problem for someone else is rationalized as a necessity as determined by a position of superiority. Persons who do that are supposedly more worthy and therefore in need of creating someone else's problems.

Corrupters always corrupt cause-and-effect relationships. The starting point of corruption is a desire to be cause over someone else—to dominate. Someone has to be effect whenever someone else is cause. Therefore, that motive puts corrupt persons in conflict with other persons.

The persons who are cause over something are the ones who are responsible for solving the resulting problems. They determine what the problems and solutions are in being cause. But worse is the purpose, which is to create problems rather than solve them.

All corruption dumps responsibilities onto someone else. An example is the increased cost of renewable energy being dumped onto consumers and taxpayers. The lower classes are not provided assistance for the increased expense. The cost of electricity goes up by a factor of three with 5% renewables (as solar and wind), as occurred in California, and increases by a factor of ten with 15% renewables, as occurred in Germany and England.

With removing carbon dioxide from the air and creating fake renewable energy, the price is said to be necessary to save planet Earth, while someone else pays the price. The journalists who impose the problem onto society have no price to pay for creating everyone else's problems. The process of imposing is the process of dumping responsibilities onto someone else.


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