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Degrading Opponents

November 1, 2020

The only thing Trump and corrupters do is degrade other persons. They have no ability to function constructively; so they are obsessed in contriving self-worth. Since their self-worth is fake, they must measure themselves by tearing others down.

The public is supposed to elect someone for doing that. There is nothing else Trump has to show for four years but his degradations.

All of Trump's claims of accomplishments are fake. Trump and his promoters mention points that occur automatically or someone else produced, such as the economy. Trump's economy went up slower than economies normally increase in an automatic manner. Trump managed to slow an automatic result; and the fakes claim it is the only good economy that ever existed.

In fact, the economy is in the process of totally collapsing, as corporations were driven out of global competitiveness through tariffs which harmed U.S. producers. Hundreds of corporations are suing the Trump Administration because of the tariffs which were not legitimate in usurping the power of Congress using a fake claim of national emergency.

Trump's only appearance in running the government is on Twitter, where he does nothing but degrade other persons through name-calling and lying scandals. How do scandals produce a government? Supposedly, there is nothing to running a government but destroying opponents and forcing everyone to worship a ruler who does nothing but attack opponents.

If there were a real purpose in the attacks, there would be explanations which allow people to evaluate the results and make corrections and improvements. Nothing resembling explanations exist with the degradations. The crud that is dredged up for scandals is so devoid of credibility that it cannot be explained.

There are endless problems and imperfections everywhere. It takes more than degradation of opponents to do something real about them. It not only takes explanations, it takes rationality, truth, knowledge, complex procedures and cooperative efforts to solve problems. Name calling and degradations do not solve the problems or move anything forward.

Corrupters look for or contrive deficiencies which require fixing. There are endless problems that need to be fixed. But the corrupters version of fixing goes from bad to worse. No other possibility could occur, because corrupters are not capable of functioning constructively. So corrupters pretend that any destructive perversion is the fix for some deficiency.

That mentality is an offshoot of the primary reaction of corrupters which is designed to make themselves superior by degrading others. If degradation creates superiority, then perversion fixes some deficiency.


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